Hi all, I have my baseline scan booked this Friday. Start injections Saturday. I’ve never been pregnant. Me & my partner have both been tested I’m ok (apart from age) and he has low morthology 1% otherwise tubes ok, AMH 11, AFC 21. I am prone to thrush and feel having never been pregnant it could be implantation related. Is there anything ahead of treatment I could ask to be checked? I know often tests are done after a failed implantation, but surely if you test first you can address anything highlighted. I have noted Emma & Alice tests, ERA & NK cells. I’m keen to hear your stories, recommendations and advice? Thank you greatly 🙏🏻
IVF Implantation Tips - Age 40, Never... - Fertility Network UK
IVF Implantation Tips - Age 40, Never Pregnant

Hi SKC. I would think it is a fertilisation problem, as there are very few sperm the correct shape to get into your egg to fertilise it. You may find that you will need a form of IVF called ICSI. You have been referred so things will hopefully get moving bow. Good luck. Diane
Thanks DianeArnold it could very well be. Our Age & morphology together isn’t a great combo. We have a 3 cycle IVF package but have been told we may need ICSI , it will be decided on day. Hopefully that’s the case and implantation is fine! Fingers, knees & toes crossed!
Hi SKC111 if you follow Dr Tim Child on Instagram, he has a great video about implantation failure, and what tests to do before / during IVF. So maybe take a look at that, i find his videos super helpful!
Thanks so much of this fantastic recommendation! I’ve been watching his insta lives tonight, some great tips! Thanks again 🙏🏻
Hi, I looked him up but I didnt see the video you mentiod... Can you please tell me the title? Id really appreciate it... 🙏
of course, here it is (hopefully it links through ok?) - instagram.com/reel/C4NauYcM...
pgs tested embryos?
Hadn’t planned on it, we have already stretched our budget so this extra cost isn’t affordable. We have the 3 cycles and freeze, and will transfer one at a time. I might consider on 2nd/3rd cycle if recommend. Have you used pgs testing?
if you’re prone to thrush, it may be worth seeing a nutritionist who can help you test your vaginal microbiome. The results show if you have “bad” bacteria that could be causing imbalance, or testing to see if you have endometritis (not endometriosis) both of which can be treated with vaginal probiotics/medication.
my friend and an hcg intra lipid to help implantation day beside transfer