Hi everyone its my first time posting here, I haven't really used forums before. Me and my husband are on our first round of IVF, didn't expect to be in this situation but unfortunately I have damaged tubes. We are having egg collection on Friday, feeling nervous and trying to not let my thoughts run away with themselves. We have 7 follicles that have responded, slightly disappointing as I have a high AMH so they were expecting at least double. Anyway I guess its quality over quantity!
Hello: Hi everyone its my first time... - Fertility Network UK

Welcome to the forum, everyone is lovely on here,
Wishing you lots of luck on your cycle and good luck with EC on Friday xx 🍀🍀
yes to quality over quantity Keep positive and let us know how you get on xx
Welcome to the forum! Definitely quality over quantity, I'm hoping to go for EC Friday to - got my scan tomorrow to confirm. You'll always get lots of support on here xx
Hi Penders definitely quality over quantity! You'll be fine, I think I had about 7 developed showing on the final scan but in the end they got 9. EC was fine, I went straight out after sedation and then woke up feeling like I had the best sleep ever. I was then treated to copious amounts of tea and biscuits Hope it goes well xxx
Hi, likewise I'm also new here and this is my first IVF cycle!! expecting EC on Fri, depending on tomorrow's scan!! 🙏 7 follies as well (well 9 but 2 are too small at this stage), but that's not unexpected for me due to my age (39). Praying for some golden eggs in amongst the 7!! 🍀
Wishing you the very best of luck & stay positive it's def quality over quantity....telling myself the same at the mo!! 🤞🏻 xx
Wishing you all the best. It definitely is quality over quantity but I understand your reservations. Try to let yourself relax and don't worry about EC. It's a procedure that you're not really aware of and only feel a bit uncomfortable afterwards. I'll be hoping for a smooth day for you on Friday. xxx
Thanks everyone will let you know how we get on. We haven't really told any friends so its nice to have support on here! xxx
Hi Penders, I'm also new and we have started our IVF journey - stimming at the moment. I'm the opposite I have low AMH 😔All the best to u xxx
Welcome & best of luck with your first round. I also have low AMH but as most of the ladies have said on here I believe the quality is what matters 😘 xx
Wishing you the best of luck on your transfer ! Just keep the faith! Miracles do happen xx
Hiya huni welcome x
I also have damaged tubes,3 previous ectopics. Do you have any male factors? I honestly would not worry about that number as that's what I had 8 follicles (I was on a very low dose of drugs also due to high AMH) got 7 eggs and from that 3x 5AA blastocysts one which is now my 12 week miracle and 2 in the freezer if you want to talk I'm here wishing you all the best x
Hi E8989
Congratulations with your 12 week miracle 😀
No male factors apparently he has donor quality sperm 😂
I guess I was thinking there would be more with a high AMH but it's good to know how many you had even with a high AMH. I think I'm over thinking everything.
Congratulations again xx
Hahaha love that donor quality 😂😂 yeah my partner had no issues with sperm just my tubes 💔yes honesty I really is about quality I was disappointed after egg collection beaches I did think would get more but they always said to me it's quality good luck with your journey and thank you for your kind words xx
Best of luck with your first round, let us know how you get on. 😘 xx
Hiya, I also had a good amh but even a couple of days before ec they could only count 6 follies. I was so downhearted and literally broke down in front of my poor nurse. They upped my stims for the last couple of days and lo and behold they got 10 eggs out of 9 follies and 8 fertilised! You still have time to grow those follies....so don't worry yet!! Good luck for Friday...its a major milestone...so high five to that! 🍀✋🍀 xxx
Awww oakey80 I was the same today but I managed to just about hold it together till I got out of the hospital 😭 Good luck to us all xxx
Oh poor you! This was back in march for me. I think I went with "well they must get this all the time" Literally bawled my eyes out as I wanted more follies...they were like "6 is a good amount"...and I was like "no its not!" (Imagine snivelling, dribbling mess)...anyway, they upped my dose for 2 days and made me do an extra shot the day before ec (so after trigger)...and at my last scan they said I had 9 good size follies with 3 more borderline....que happy me haha!...Looking back...I blame the hormones!
I saw your post and just wanted to say, it ain't over til it's over....your follies could do anything between now and ec. Plus it's quality over quantity (although I didn't believe this when my nurse told me)...but I've been around long enough to see lots of ladies get 20 eggs collected and only a tiny handful fertilise.
Good luck for ec 🍀🍀🍀
Thank u ever so much oakey, I'm lying awake just thinking about it all. I never ever thought we would be facing fertility issues considering OH has two kids already and my Bros/sis conceived so quickly. It really did shock me when it didn't happen for us. I guess in the end it's all just down to luck and fate, I've been trying my best to drink lots of water and eat avocados and pineapples too lol xx
Hi penders , not to worry , just go with the process and think positive . Hope you will get a good news very soon Good Luck dear !!!