Was a bit concerned when my clinic said they would do dilation at the end of the month and then do the FET within two weeks of the dilation. I thought I read that there needs to be a month in between the two but I can't find where I read it. The clinic says it's not necessary but has agreed to bring the dilation forward because of my concerns. So we are moving forward slowly. Fingers crossed the dilation helps....
Dilation: Was a bit concerned when my... - Fertility Network UK

I'm sorry but I've no experience with this but best of luck x
Thank you - spoke to the Dr today and feel reassured. Going in on Friday for it. Then onto the FET next - bites fingernails xx
That's great news x so pleased for you as all of this ivf stuff is so stressful. Thinking of you x
Thank you! It really is. Just hoping this helps. Doesn't sound like it'll be too bad. More worried about the forthcoming tww but that won't be til Sept so a little while to go yet. Will give me time to gear up to it. How are you doing? x
My consultant seemed to think the quicker the better after my dilation really, she said it sometimes only lasts six months so to get going! I actually had a 7/8 month gap between dilation and ivf though, as had a natural pregnancy/miscarriage in between. And the consultant said transfer was much much easier after dilation than before. So it will be worth it I'm sure!
Thank you. That's good to hear. For some reason mine said it can only last for 2-3 months - perhaps he's being cautious. Yes if we can take the difficult transfer factor out at least we will know that was not the cause if it doesn't work this time. And it will be nice not to have to be prodded and poked for too long on ET day. Hope you are ok Lizzie - just read your posts. Sorry you've had such a hard time. How are you doing? xx