Yesterday I started spotting with period like cramps and today a have full af. We did a test today and it was negative which I was expecting but doesn't make it easier. I'm devastated and have had to come home from work as all got too much. Our officially test day is tomorrow at 11dp5dt but we used a a first response early test so it would have picked up anything today.
Thank you to all the lovely ladies who have supported me over the last few weeks. I'm not sure at the moment whether we're going to try another cycle as we need to have a frank and honest discussion with our consultant about my ability to conceive and carry a baby given the scarring to my uterus. We know we had an excellent embryo. Hubby and I had a good chat this morning although far too soon to make any decisions about going straight to adoption instead. We want a family and whatever way we have to get there we'll take. Neither of us are getting any younger and my amh and scarring will only get worse with time. In the mean time we need to get back to the fun of trying naturally as life has been so serious for so long x