We're due at the clinic this afternoon for our first appointment but I have just rang them as needed to check a few things before we got there! They have just told me that as I am a Welsh patient (although I am going to an English NHS clinic) treatment will not start for at least 12 months due to the Welsh government guidelines!! I can have additional tests carried out in this 12 month period, but no treatment except meds (but I don't have an issue with ovulation, as it's unexplained infertility so meds won't help). I am absolutely gutted, I've worked myself up ready for the process to start and cant believe we have to wait 12 months and then she said that may not even start then as that's the earliest they would do anything! Like all of us it's been so frustrated going through the TTC process with no joy and then going through all the tests just to be told it's unexplained, but this news has really upset me and I can't stop crying. Need to pull myself together for appointment this afternoon, but just feel like we're taking a massive step backwards, I'll be 37 by the time they even start this, just can't believe that they think delaying the process is of any help! 😪 x x x
Really upset, 12 month wait!!! - Fertility Network UK
Really upset, 12 month wait!!!

I'm so sorry to hear this...Is it Shrewsbury you're going to? We had our consultants appt a couple of wks ago & because we're from shropshire we have a waiting time of 18wks. He said in this appt "If you were from Wales you'd have a waiting time of at least a yr"....I can't imagine how Crap it is to have to wait that long...tbh 18wks is seeming like a lifetime right now! No real advice to offer just wanted to say I really feel for you xx
So sorry for you.
Such a ridiculous law (guidelines).
But you can increase your overall health at the same time.
Do not worry, all should be fine.
I'm a Welsh patient to, took us 18 months to start treament it was awful !
Have you looked at the egg sharing programmes I've considered it to spread up the process xx
I'm also a Welsh patient going to a clinic in England and we've had the wait too unfortunately. We've been told we'll start treatment in the next 3 months. So far we've waited 18. We also have unexplained infertility but were given 6 rounds of clomid last year while we waited so I would advise you to ask about that. It didn't work for us but you never know. It's ridiculous how the waiting time differs so much to England. On the plus side though we get 2 rounds of treatment on the NHS where as a lot of English patients only get one. I can understand your frustration, it's been hard for us to stay patient at times. You will get there though xx
Hi ladies thanks for your replies, yes it was Shrewsbury, but I'm feeling better about it now that we have been. I didn't realise you only get one cycle in England so although it's a shorter wait I think I'm happier to wait longer and get two funded cycles. I wouldn't be able to share eggs to speed it up as I'm registered blind so don't want to be passing my dodgy genes on to anyone 😊!! Me and my partner have had genetic counselling and know there's less than a 1% chance of passing the disease to our offspring but for another gene match that may not be the case! Just have to sit tight and hope the 18 months flies by or by fond miracle it happens naturally! Thanks for your replies ladies, means so much to have peeps to talk too!! X x x
Hello sorry to butt in...but I can sympathise with how you feel I think anyone who is on the welsh waiting list would feel the same because we want it so much. We are currently on the Shrewsbury waiting list for ivf and we had our consultant appointment last week and to our surprise we had already been referred from our previous hospital last Feb so we were told we could be seen before the end of this year but things can change. I was told to call next month to find out an exact date but I think i will just wait for the letter to come through the post. We see the more we have to wait are more opportunities for us to try naturally then we know we are on the waiting list for IVF if we do need it. I've lost count of the breakdowns i have had and now i have tried to take a more relaxed approach to my life and take better care of myself i've already had a back neck and shoulder massage today and already booked in for reflexology next week. Every month I have made sure we have something to look forward to i find this helps a lot. I wish you luck with your journey x

Thanks Hun, yes I agree I was thinking a lot about this last night and think I just need to try and take a step back and just not worry about TTC so much as let's face it, it just bakes us miserable and stressed! Probably easier said than done but I'm going to make a real effort to relax a bit more and I think I will snaffle your idea of something to look forward to each month as hopefully that will make the time go quicker!! I hope they come back to you quickly, they did say to me yesterday that they gave just received more funding from wales so that they can reduce the waiting list so I'll have my fingers crossed for you x x
We had this same situation last year. Initial meet and greet appointment in march last year to be told 12-18 months. That's me just in my 2ww with 1healthy embryo. I remember sitting in my car and crying at the time but all I can say is the time really does fly. I tried to take back a bit of control that also being diagnosed with UE infertility takes away. Started a night course, did regular reflexology, acupuncture etc. Try and relax in this time, drink wine, eat well, take a holiday. It will pass in a blink!! Xx