Title says it all really, I feel like we will never start our treatment! Last May we were told we would likely start this April as that would be our 12 month wait on the waiting list and then when I saw our consultant a couple of weeks ago he would give no indication what so ever other than it will most definitely be after May as the clinic run out of funding for Welsh patients last November so there will also be a 6 month backlog to get through first! It just feels like it’s never going to start! Plus I really didn’t like our consultant, he has to be one of the most arrogant least empathetic men I have ever met, I’ve seen a lot of consultants in my time with my ever long list of ailments, but never have I come across one like him, knowing the job he does I just can’t understand his demeanour and I know us women can be sensitive but even my other half was surprised, which led to me leaving in tears! We can’t afford a private round just now but are busy saving just incase our funded ones aren’t successful, but it just feels like it’s never going to start and it’s really making me feel a bit down, even booking our holiday as a distraction hasn’t helped ☹️ just needed a little moan and I haven’t got anyone else to talk to about it, sorry ladies as I know most of you are going through so much worse than this at the moment x x x
12 month Welsh waiting list really ge... - Fertility Network UK
12 month Welsh waiting list really getting me down now!

Sorry to hear your having such a long wait, this is the worst part about NHS treatment - obviously we’re so grateful to have it but the waiting can be unreal!
I guess joining another clinic maybe wouldn’t the helpful as this could put you back to the start of the que for waiting for treatment but maybe you could ask to change consultants within your clinic? IVF treatment is already such an emotional journey and you don’t need someone like that when your going through treatment xxx
Oh no! That’s pretty bad and it’s ok to be frustrated and upset that’s it’s taking so long. The waiting is the worst in this rollercoaster.
Thank you ladies, I did ring the clinic about changing consultants and the lady on the phone wasn’t a bit surprised, however she did say there was little point as there are only two consultants at the clinic and one doctor so basically you may not even see your own consultant at EC or transfer as it just depends who is in rota for surgery that day, it’s only a given that you see him at follow ups, so that made me feel a little better and I’ve had a scan with the doctor there before and he’s lovely. So the least I see our own consultant the better!! But wow he was obnoxious!!! I feel a little better just being able to vent my frustrations, I know nothing will make it go any quicker bug having all this frustration built up inside I don’t think is good, don’t know how I’d cope though this journey without you lovely ladies thank you x x
Just to say I think the waiting to get started has to be one of the worst parts, if not the worst part of this whole process, and I didn't have to wait anything like the 12 months you do - I think it's the not knowing when it may be aswell - once I had a date in the diary I felt so much better. All I can say is try to distract yourself as much as possible & focus on other parts of your life (easier said than done I know). I did find reading books, overhauling my diet & reading other people's stories on here helped me to feel like I was preparing myself for when we finally did get started. & once you get the date for that initial consultation it does start to go really quickly & is over before you know it xx
Hi, which clinic are you referring to or cant you say? I'm at a clinic in Wales and have found them great. I requested this clinic as I knew they had a shorter waiting time compared to my other local clinic. I've found them really efficient. I was referred to them last April and started ivf in September, it would have been sooner but I had a holiday booked. I had my BFP last week.