This time or never! Have enough posit... - Fertility Network UK

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This time or never! Have enough positive forecast!

Toyfortroy profile image
22 Replies

I don’t know what it is. is this a real gladness or just my tall impressions about the latest events?

We had a joy to visit Youkraine. The last 5 years my husband and I have been trying hard to conceive getting no results. also we had an IFV experience in other clinics of Spain and in Czech Republic.

That must be our second attempt with donor eggs. Fortunately, we know Ukraine has and gives a very good opportunity for selection.

With whole our hope in our success we’re waiting only for the best outcome.

In our case the best result is a healthy baby or two, or even three, we guess we’ll cope with all troubles related to future posterity. Because it’s our mad crave, our desire of life, our mad love.

I think I’ll be able to say more only after some questions. Through my post I guess you may discover my attitude to the clinic we’ve chosen.

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Toyfortroy profile image
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22 Replies
bfrida profile image

Hello dear! Thank you for sharing your problem here..

as you we are struggling from infertility issues. I've failed several cycles of ivf, as you I was in Czech unfortunately it didn't work for us. our next round has started in ukraine, with donor eggs as well. now i'm waiting for starting a next cycle..

Toyfortroy profile image
Toyfortroy in reply to bfrida

I see we are waiting for the same chapter! My girl! Can you imagine what a pleasure for me to meet people from everywhere who deal with their problems with help of the same country as me!? At the such moments I feel I’ll tide over all the challenges on my hard way! because i'm not all alone, and we share this nightmare! I think you are on the birth control pills, aren’t you? when must be your next appointment?

bfrida profile image
bfrida in reply to Toyfortroy

I am, I'm on my birth control pills again

unfortunately, my previous attempt didn't work for us but I'm ok with it now. I know my body is too weak for doing such kind of stuff but we decided to try one more time, if no we would move to a surrogacy. my clinic offered us a good package with opportunity to move from donation to a surrogacy but frankly i'm not ready

my mind tells me to move on with ivf(donors egg) will see what will happen to me next days

And when is your embryo transfer?

Toyfortroy profile image
Toyfortroy in reply to bfrida

My transfer expects for me in approximately one month and half. I couldn’t know about your loss I’m so sorry. Keep your energy, look after yourself I hope all will be better than previous time.

Did you order five attempts?

bfrida profile image
bfrida in reply to Toyfortroy

Oh, I see you are a beginner with this issue, right? you should to be strong, your journey has just started.

you chose 5 attempts, right? frankly, I didn't want to exhaust my body so much. we have chosen the package with 2 attempts and transfer to a surrogacy. To my mind it's the best decision because in any case we won't fail. Of course I was warned about the possible misfortune, but I'm positive about this one cycle.

Blooo33 profile image

She thanks you! Hah! She is amazing, really wonderful baby! I’ve got no suitable words to describe how she’s sweet. I’d never have this wealth if this clinic had not such professional approach to the affairs.

What the contract conditions I think you’ve signed. (?)

You’re right, there are many other clinics in Ukraine, not only in Kiev. we visited some of them. But this story isn’t about our journeys and seek.

Toyfortroy profile image
Toyfortroy in reply to Blooo33

We decided to choose the contract consisted of 5 attempts. actually we hope the first one will be enough. We just hope.

According to the contract conditions we’ll have 5 attempts in case each previous is failed.

it’s called as guaranteed success. And if we get nothing the clinic will refund money.

But we want to achieve our luck

Blooo33 profile image
Blooo33 in reply to Toyfortroy

So what do you think? It sounds not bad certainly they will act up to a promise. But I also hope you’ll get pregnant on the first try. I think you’re really tired. and you really deserve to take a rest. wait a bit, dear

And I wish you be strong and endurant.

How much does it cost? And what the prognosis?

Toyfortroy profile image
Toyfortroy in reply to Blooo33

Prognosis? You mean our chances? I exactly do not know but we were told we had good analyses.

Actually it’s not the success criterion, sometimes only fortune can decide what will be fulfilled, fortune with plenty of different factors.

We must pay 9.900 euros in two instalments.

We’ve made the firs payment, we have to make the second one on the transfer day.

burkeee profile image

Hi! Your post is so encouraging! I wish you only the best! Wish you positive results!

I know that clinic as I also had a successful experience there and I hope it will satisfy your expectations! Good luck x

Toyfortroy profile image
Toyfortroy in reply to burkeee

Did you have your treatment in Ukraine? And what can you say after?

I hope you’re fine! And have no regrets about your journey. I’m rather sure but afraid to receive negative info about the clinic and the country I gonna explore.

Indeed the one thing I want is to remain satisfied and be a happy mom.

if you tell me something about your journey in short i'll be grateful.

burkeee profile image

ok, in a short!

We came, we liked the conditions of contract and services, we liked the attitude to the process. We were satisfied with the results as I'm almost on the finish line! and it worth to try! You just come there a couple of times and then bang!!! you are pregnant!

that's of course the shortest variant of my story :-D for someone it may take several rounds and several arrivals respectively.

P.S. the country is really interesting, it's not that as we used to. different lifestyle of people and how the things are done is also different. It's a good experience, anyway! the most important is that the clinic is reliable. so good luck with your beginnings x

Toyfortroy profile image
Toyfortroy in reply to burkeee

Fantastic! So interesting! Thank You Burkeee. And I want to know did you have your expected result right from the first attempt? How it would be awesome in our case. because I feel a bit like a fish out of the water. Completely no energy to resist the losses. It seems I had lost a vivifying part of mine during these five years and both my husband and I feel too tired to endure all the five attempts. but except of that our hope is strong as a granite.

burkeee profile image
burkeee in reply to Toyfortroy

I had two rounds earlier, but they were failed. Then my husband and I decided to take a break in treatment. So I know what means loss and despare. After two years we pulled ourselves together and decided to start all over again but this time we decided to change a clinic. We took the contract for two attempts, we needed plan B. Fortunately it didn't come in useful! And I'm deliriously happy about that!

My advice to you, never lose your heart! It is hard sometimes but you achieve what you want only if you will be trying to do something. Action always leads to result.

Drewhitcher profile image

Hello, honey!

What an inspiring post! I wish you to keep this emotional condition to the day You’ll be a mom and then you should increase that.

How did you find out about Ukraine? I see you tried different destinations, so let’s try to be sure that this time would be your personal time to reach your aims.

How was your initial consultation?

Drewhitcher profile image

I know I understand you well. It’s a crucial aspect of privacy especially when you need a lot to think and make decisions. In such case you have to be in the quite place and feel calm. Nothing must put a pressure on you.

I hope the clinic prepares to spread the space because of increasing list of clients.

But still it’s not bad that they have so many people, isn’t it? That says about they are in demand.

Byernblo profile image

No problems. I’m also with this organization but I have to mention I have an issue differed from yours and our treatment is also conducted in different way.

I admit I got only polite treatment to myself. Bitex staff gave all necessary. I had good accommodation and I was excellently informed.

I think it’s a good choice. Stick on the plans

Toyfortroy profile image

Yeah, thank you a lot! I’ll be going on according to plan. It was nice to hear your encouraging opinion about their work.

I wish you to have perfect treatment. curiously to find out about your journey, certainly if you want to share.

I’m new here I don’t know well how to use navigation of this forum.

Carolinecleber profile image

You look like happy woman! Happy future mom!

I know how difficult the beginning can be. And how it’s hard to search blindly having the real sea of suspicious options.

I’m glad you’ve chosen Ukraine. They work hard to make their authority grow and I think your clinic will do everything necessary to give you good outcome.

We were about to start our treatment in Ukraine too but we suddenly gave up.

It was because of personal causes.

Toyfortroy profile image
Toyfortroy in reply to Carolinecleber

Of cause I’m really woman and happy! Hah thank you for kind word. We also think it was good idea to apply to this clinic. They met us as old friends and it was a sort of good emotions we needed to receive to kill the stress.

It’s a pity to hear you’ve stop your trying. But I hope one day you’ll start again. am I right?

My best wishes dear Caroline!

Carolinecleber profile image
Carolinecleber in reply to Toyfortroy

Actually, we decided visiting to Ukraine when we were in Europe. But my husband had to do his work in the United States. Therefor we needed to come back. But that time gave us an opportunity to save more money for future journey.

We gonna try this summer. We’re advised to pass through surrogacy. And Ukraine is appropriate variant.

The same wishes to you!

Toyfortroy profile image
Toyfortroy in reply to Carolinecleber

It should be amazing. don’t decide to delay your journey this time. I learnt well that it’s better to act rapidly as quickly as you are able. Time is passing by we always waste huge portions of it and we are usually late to live our real lives. that’s awfully and threatening for our possibility to be happy parents.

I know one special organization called Happy Family. I’m not sure their office is situated in US. Maybe you have heard something about it?

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