So round 2 finally starts tomorrow after losing my boy from my first round at 22 weeks. feels strange starting again, so different from our first round, excited and nervous still but for different reasons this time! Any cycle buddies starting stims soon?x
Round 2 after late miscarriage π - Fertility Network UK
Round 2 after late miscarriage π

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So sorry for your lossπI should be starting a fet next week xx

Thank you, fingers crossed we both get our rainbows this time!x
Sorry for your loss and huge respect to you for keeping the strength. I've got a hysteroscopy booked in May and then IVF consultation in June to talk about options but nothing decided yet. Sending you love and luck xx
So sorry for your loss.
I will start down regging next Tuesday - 1st cycle & my emotions range from excitement & nerves to completely bricking it!!
Good luck xxx
Hey Sey99, just want to wish you all the best and loads of baby dust xxxx Im so sorry for your loss, 22 weeks is awful you are a very strong lady. Fingers and toes crossed you'll have a smooth journeyβΊ
Good luck π X
Hey Hun I'm currently down regulating so we might be cycle buddies! I am on day 5! Last cycle i down regulated for 4 weeks π hoping it's not the case this time! But only time will tell! Sorry for your previous loss xxx
4 weeks! The wait is so hard isn't it! This last cycle i was 29 days late, it nearly pushed me over the edge! Keep going!x
Hey lovely lady! The very best of luck from your original cycle buddy! Axx
Im on day 5 of stimulation.did my scan today and the follicles are coming along sorry for your loss.i hope this time around it will be great news .i had a failed cycle early january so its my second time too.embryos just didnt was feeling hopeful and positive this time .π

It is so hard, I'm a quick responder so I may catch you up! Fingers crossed for us both to get sticky embies!x
Sorry for your loss and good luck!! I will be a starting my third round after a 23 weeks loss, but not until about September. All the best and keep us posted xxxx
Good luck for your cycle lovely I'm so sorry for your loss, I can't imagine the strength it must have taken to get through something like that. Keep us updated xxxxx
So sorry to hear what you've been through Se99, I can't imagine how devastating that must be π’ So much luck for this round, I started stims yesterday so we're around the same time xx
Sorry to read about you losing your son... But wishing you all the best for round 2...Sending loads of love xxx