Psychic Medium reading...: So, I took... - Fertility Network UK

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Psychic Medium reading...

LiLi19 profile image
26 Replies

So, I took the plunge and had a reading with a psychic medium on Tuesday...

I don't know the lady personally, and one of the first things she said was that my 'nan' wanted to tell me that she sees three babies in my life (3 under 5) and that nan has said I 'don't need to bother with the IVF' and that they're 'coming soon'!

Now I know some people may think that she could have seen info about me on Facebook etc and that maybe correct, I don't know although most is not public info.

But whether or not you choose to believe in things like that (I do), just the thought that I may one day have the babies I've hoped for has made me feel so much more positive about it all. It remains to be seen whether it works out (naturally or through IVF), but it's given me a renewed hope and that far outweighs the idea that it's all nonsense :-)

Has anyone else ever had a reading?


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LiLi19 profile image
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26 Replies
Lucyloo81 profile image

I've had a few and they have all said that I will have a daughter. The last one I was kinda told off for not believing that it will ever happen. The women had her hand on her hip with a finger pointing at me. I laughed out loud as I knew it was my nana.


LiLi19 profile image
LiLi19 in reply to Lucyloo81

Oh I love it!

I love the thought that they're all watching over us...and that they know whats in store and we don't ;) xx

NDE1987 profile image

Hey Hun i had a reading when i was about 20 years old and was told that i would have problems concieve get a child.....Fast forward 9 years I'm married and finding it hard to conceive!!! My mum has gone to another reading and was told that i will have two children but with treatment. I don't know if this will happen and i guess only time will tell. My husband is so against readings that i wont even try going again! He says we should leave it up to God and what will be will be x

Soapsuds86 profile image

Yeah I've had loads🙈 in my latest one I was told that I have a little boy around me ( I miscarried last year and wouldn't have known it was boy or girl). Whem I'm walking my dog, most days I get a robin come up to me.

I was told I'd have a boy too but I don't need to know everything that will happen ( this was before ivf started) and the door was shut at that time as the angels don't want me to know.

I've also been told I'm stressing way too much and it will happen as soon as i stop obsessing over it. I believe it and makes me feel comforted. But I still obsess over ttc 😜 xx

LiLi19 profile image
LiLi19 in reply to Soapsuds86

Everything crossed for you!

It is like an obsession though isn't it?! xx

Soapsuds86 profile image

It really is. It's taken over my life completely. Hard for it not to when you want something so bad. Baby dust to you 💫 xx

LiLi19 profile image
LiLi19 in reply to Soapsuds86

Absolutely...I know I need to chill out but can't : p

Thank you xx

That's so exciting! 😍 We all need to have some reassurance on this journey unfortunately my experience was not as promising. I had a reading not long after I lost my twins.. from iui treatment, my psychic said to me she wouldn't tell me what I wanted to hear.. obviously I wanted to know if I ever be a mum.. but she said I will be ok.. ( I mean what the heck does that mean!!!! ) this was nearly 2 years ago after 3 cycles of failed IVF and no baby I'm beginning to think did she not want to give me bad news!! She did tell me stuff that she would never have been able to have known.. but was disappointed with her by not giving me hope. I know feel what's the point in doing anymore cycles if it's not meant to be! Good luck to you Xx

LiLi19 profile image
LiLi19 in reply to

Oh I'm so sorry for your loss and the fact she didn't tell you what you wanted :)

I have everything crossed for you that those babies are there and we're maybe just hiding from her xx

Amanda86 profile image

I was told at one reading I'd have 2 babies, given the year 2016/2017 when I asked when it would be (this was 2015). She told me she knew I thought I was infertile (no way she could have known this as I don't even have social media) and that I wasn't and to stop worrying and it would happen. A month later we found out that my partner had low sperm count but no issues with me. A few months after that I fell pregnant naturally but miscarried.

Went to see her again in 2016 when going through first IVF she said we'd have a baby girl. I remember thinking in my head that could mean we adopt and then she said and this is your baby, you've given birth to this baby. She said she didn't know when but it would be soon as she rarely knows the sex of a baby unless it's coming soon. I asked would that IVF be successful and she wouldn't give me a yes or no answer (so I feel she probably knew it wouldn't). She just said your healthy enough but you need to relax.

I had a chemical pregnancy that time.

Just had another chemical pregnancy from my second IVF.

She did say 2016/2017 so I'm hoping 2017 will be our year to fall pregnant.

I totally believe in all that stuff. I know it could be rubbish but it's something I do believe and it gives me a little hope 😊 xxx

LiLi19 profile image
LiLi19 in reply to Amanda86

I am so sorry for your losses but what she said sounds very positive and there's still a lot of 2017 left...I have everything crossed for you!

Pleas keep me posted! xx

Amanda86 profile image
Amanda86 in reply to LiLi19

Thank you very much 😊 xxx

Mrsjj profile image

Hi your story resonates with me as mine was so similar. I was told by 3/4 separate people over a long period that I would have 2 children a boy then a girl. Maybe 18 months ago a psychic told me that ivf for me was a waste of money and not to do it. She advised me to visit a reflexologist who also did reiki who I saw for about 6 months and I loved the treatments for well being and postivity. This lovely therapist told me august 2016 that she felt September would be the time. I took this to mean conception which came and went. My baby boy is due September 2017 after TTC for 5 years. If you believe as you say you do, keep the faith and it will manifest itself for you. Things don't always happen when we wish them to but they work out when they should. Lots of love xx

LiLi19 profile image
LiLi19 in reply to Mrsjj

Oh my god that made me well happy for you!!

And that gives me so much faith in things happening, thank you!

I'd been considering reflexology so will definitely look into that xx

Mrsjj profile image
Mrsjj in reply to LiLi19

Ah thank you. Yeah research a holistic therapist and preferably one that specialises in fertility mine was near Haverhill just in the lucky chance you are over that way! I see white feathers in so many unusual places now. I was also advised to write a letter to the angels. My husband had been out of work for most of 2016 and with TTC and a bereavement last year it was a stressful time. I wrote the letter and burned it. My husband had a job within a month and our baby came soon after. Could be coincidence but I like to believe in more than just science as the doctors didn't do much to help me anyway xx

LiLi19 profile image
LiLi19 in reply to Mrsjj

Oh thank you, i might look into that!

I see white feathers all the time...I know it's family :)

Your story has given me a lot of comfort, thank you for sharing xx

Tw1986 profile image

Hi Hun i believe in it to but only because of the last one I seen in November, he said "you will have children (bare in mind he didn't even know my name, didn't ask when I booked him) he said you will have 2 to 3 but very close together 😳 I said how close and he said very very close lol. He said good news will be April/may, we start our treatment 6th of may lol xx

LiLi19 profile image
LiLi19 in reply to Tw1986

That's fantastic! I have everything crossed for you...everything seems to be working out so far! xx

I had an experience with my acupunturist who also did my chinese chart. This seems to be a complex process but was very accurate for me... I would say that I completely embrace all manners of weird and wonderful things but don't allow myself to be dictated to by it. However she was insistent that I waited till this May to do my ivf as I would be 33 and the nurture phase of my chart comes in as well as a major life change. I was sceptical and did my ivf in March as planned... I had 7 grade a embryos but sadly no pregnancy this time so we will see if her May prediction comes true when I do my fet. Good luck! Xx

LiLi19 profile image
LiLi19 in reply to Heelsandhunters84

I have everything crossed for you for May! xx

Cinderella5 profile image

I had a reading but it wasnt with a medium around 17 years ago. I got told that I would get married later in life, which I did and that I'd have twin boys later in life too! I just hope that this is true, clutching at straws perhaps and maybe a bit daft to some but hey it gives me hope and keeps me positive! Oh and my granny who's 93 keeps joking that Im gonna have twins, she has no idea we have fertility issues! Hee hee hee hope she is right!xx

LiLi19 profile image
LiLi19 in reply to Cinderella5

I have everything crossed of you and those twins!

I know what you mean, some people may not approve or believe, but if it gives us hope on this pretty difficult journey we've been dealt, Ill take it! xx

Cinderella5 profile image
Cinderella5 in reply to LiLi19

Exactly anything that keeps those postitive thoughts there is good! All the best to you too!xx

LiLi19 profile image
LiLi19 in reply to Cinderella5

Absolutely :-) xx

Blondyboo profile image

I believe and have a reading every 6 months or so. She has always said I will be a mother and it does make me more positive towards treatment. I see it as counseling when I see her! I always walk out feeling better about myself and my life so I cant see it being a bad thing at all. I love the thought of my family up there keeping an eye on me :)

LiLi19 profile image
LiLi19 in reply to Blondyboo

Oh me too!

I love that they're there, knowing whats in store..I wish they'd speed it up a little, but it's such a comfort ;)

Good luck! xx

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