Morning amazing ladies,
I hope you all dont mind me sharing that my beautiful boy was born on 29th October via emergency c-section after my waters spontaneously broke at home a week before planned c section for breech presentation.
Our infertility was unexplained, and this was our second ivf cycle which was private.
I had NO symptoms at all during my TWW and barely any symptoms during pregnancy (other than growing belly). Lets face it, no-one wants nausea but after all of our struggles I was desperate for a bit of reassurance.
I know how absolutely overwhelmingly lucky we are to have our miracle, but I still feel like infertility will always be with me. Ironically ive struggled with pregnancy announcements more since ive been pregnant, and there seems to have been SO many pregnancy ones during lockdown.
Thank you so much for all of your support. I’m rooting for you all xx