Does anyone else feel really pressured when it's ovulation day? I peed on the stick this morning that told me today was peak fertility day as I already knew. Now sat at work waiting to go home and try to make a baby! I really hope it works, I get my hopes up every time. Any tips to take my mind off it whilst doing the deed tonight? Xx
Ovulation day feeling the pressure - Fertility Network UK
Ovulation day feeling the pressure

Hey Hun my husband and I both decided against the Pee sticks after trying them for a few months. By husband felt pressured to do the deed and sometimes we just used to argue over it. So now we just go with the flow. Xx

Hi Bec-A. I always advise to make sure you just have regular intercourse throughout your cycle, every 3 days or more often if you want. Doing this, providing your tubes are OK and your husband's/partner's sperm is OK, then you will always have some live sperm in your tubes, waiting for that egg to arrive. Less stressful all round, as sperm live for at least 4 days, and just keep re-stocking in your tubes. Enjoy your evening, and I do hope that all goes well for you. Diane
Hi Diane thanks we do have sex every 2 to 3 days throughout the month but I thought it would increase chances if we have sex on the day of ovulation. Is that not the case? Thanks!
I've learnt not to use the ovulation test kits and just have fun with my husband . Other wise it feels like a chore . I do monitor and log my periods but don't tend to say right ok tonight is such a night .
We just have regular sex and let the tablets do what they are going to do .. I do get disheartened when the next period arrives for those days I'm depressed but then pick myself back up and start again xx
Hey yes similarly I get upset the first few days of my period as I convince myself that maybe this time it'll be different. And then it's not and you pick yourself up and try again 😀 Every month! I kind of know which day I'm ovulating as it's always day 13 or 14 so hard not to be aware of it, doing the tests have confirmed it's regular. Thanks for the advice! Hope things are going ok with you xxx
So much pressure!! It really does get too much sometimes!! Try & make it less about the end goal & enjoying the moment, get those candles lit and some music playing xxx
Yeah it was fun in the end 😜 But sex completely changes when you are ttc I'm quite jealous of my single friends that don't even think about the consequences!
Tell me about it!! My partner so thrilled that I'm on the pill now for next round so now things are more 'spontaneous ' again!! x
i think knowing that you are ovulating does give you pressure, I am also planning to stop calculating for ovulation days. i feel so much pressure near ovulation, i want to engage in coitus even when not in the mood