Hi I have been advised the only way I can conceive through egg donation. Does anyone think this process is worth doing like success rates I am 41 years old x
Donation eggs: Hi I have been advised... - Fertility Network UK
Donation eggs

I have just done my first cycle of DE after 3 failed attempts with my own, still on 2ww so don't know the outcome yet. But not regretted one step so far (see my previous posts) x

Hi I can't use my eggs cause not many so I am waiting for eggs to be donated I am really nervous about it all x
The feelings before hand are far worst, once you get going it will be fine x

Thanks just hope it happens. My partner has had his semen test and they are good swimmers and plenty of them I feel like I am failing him x
Your not a failure by any means, sadly it's just one of those things that's out of our control. We know we want to be parents so have grabbed this opportunity with open arms, and if it's the only way then we are happy all DE are are cells you do all the rest. Ask your clinic for a counselling session it really helped us put things into prospective xx

Good luck keep me update hopefully with happy news 💙❤️ Xx
Thanks I am excited yea I need to see counsellor on 9th May seems ages away just want to get thinks moving. When it was 1st mentioned about egg donation I said no but after long chats with my partner we have agreed we will go ahead. Just no one seems to say much about success rate xx
Don't get me wrong it took us a while to be comfortable with it, but now it doesn't feel like an issue. My clinic told me with my eggs I had a 5%-10% chance with DE 45% chance so even though it may not work the odds are far better and we have 5 top grade blasts frozen aswell. I am happy to answer any questions if I can xxx
I'm not sure on the success rates but I donated my eggs when i had ivf . We were both successful . Don't lose hope xxx
We used DE for round 3 of ICSI. We were told 40% rate by 2 clinics, sadly it didn't work for us. It took me a while to get my head round using DE. Once they were fertilised they became "ours".
Good luck.
Thanks everyone for all the information its a fear of what to expect I will just have to be patient and fingers crossed all goes well xx
Took us a while to come to terms with this route.
Me in particular because I felt so disconnected from it - felt like I wouldn't feel like the baby's mum.
We start our journey in 2-3 weeks with donor egg IVF. Good luck.
There are plenty of amazing women here who have been through all the thoughts you have and the journey you will take xx
We used DE and we were lucky enough for it to work first time for us. Our baby girl is now 13 months old and we wouldn't change her for the world. She is just perfect and all ours. Good luck on your journey xx
I had DE towards the end of last year after 6 failed ICSI IVF rounds with my own eggs. We decided to go DE due the % success rates and it was really our last opportunity. We got our first every positive pregnancy but unfortunately we lost the baby early this year.
We are just planning our first FET with the embryos we have remaining.
The clinic you are thinking of going with should have a counselling service. We did not use it as we accepted this was the next journey for us. I thought I might feel odd about not being the biological 'parent' but I do not as I will be the 'MUM' bringing up the child etc. Also during pregnancy genetic material from you is also passed to the baby.
Good luck on your journey
Hello Buzz234, it's a difficult one to get your head round for sure. But it comes down to whether you want to be a Mum or not. If you do, then yes most definitely it worth doing.
We went to Spain for our DE as the laws are different there and I didn't have to wait long to be matched.
We were quoted a 93% success rate with 3 rounds of DE IVF. For one go it's about 50%.
With my own eggs I was looking at about 10% chance and I tried so many times with my own eggs that I went with the higher odds option.
Alas for me, round 1 DE didn't work, they said that as I transferred 2 top grade embies I had a 70% success rate with 50% chance of twins. So gutted beyond words that it didn't work. 😪
Have you lovely looked into clinic's in the UK? Or thought about going abroad?
Hi dear... im sorry for what you'v been through ...wanted to ask if they did justify the reason why it did not work ?
im also going into this war again after 8 IVF with my eggs but the same they gave me 5% chance so now im scanning the egg donation centers in Spain ....have you ever tried egg bank.. frozen eggs
can you share with me in privet if you like which clinic did you try in spain and how was the experience
Hey, there is no explanation! I’ve had 4 top quality blasto’s transferred now. My first 2 were fresh and the following 2 were frozen transfers. I only have 1 left in the freezer.
So sorry to hear you’ve had such a tough ordeal too, it’s so hard isn’t it.
I’ve also been to see another specialist in London for another opinion and he thinks I should have a scratch, blood thinners, steroids, my usual folic acid and progesterone with my last frostie. I’ve had all of those before but not all on one Donor cycle. So throwing everything at this last cycle.
I will message you my clinic, I really liked them, I would like them even more if I got pregnant!
Where do you live?