Sorry guys, me again! I feel like i'm going mad stuck here at home...Google is not my friend!!
So as you know I was ill yesterday with a horrible sickness bug and ended up having a day 5 scan to check on my stimming progress incase it was connected. They could only find 8 x 10mm and although they said they weren't overly worried because it was still early days (day 5) I've been going out of my head with worry ever since! I'm sat at home as work has told me not to go back until Monday, and have spent pretty much all day looking into what I can do/should have been doing to help them grow. I'm starting to beat myself up because I should have had more water/protein/heat when I can barely stomach any food because I've been ill.
Just feel like giving up, like I've ruined it all by getting ill and not looking after myself in the first place.
Sorry for coming back on here again as it sounds like I'm always whinging but this week has not been a good one for me 😓 clinic has me booked for ec next weds and they're not flexible so I feel like it's a race against the clock to get some decent numbers!