I've been on x5 menopur for over a week now. Had my scan this morning to see where we're at and decide whether or not we will going for EC next week. Spotted x3 small looking follicles that don't appear to be growing as planned. I've been told I'm still showing signs that I'm down regging despite being on stims. My dosage has been increased to x8 menopur win x2 shots per night. If this doesn't work then we will be looking at a donor egg. I am quite frankly shitting myself. I am scared. Barely holding myself together today with this all consuming fear of failure before we've even started. I need to hear something positive. Please, has this happened to anyone?
Panic Setting In - Follies Aren't Gro... - Fertility Network UK
Panic Setting In - Follies Aren't Growing

Hi aimzeliza. It does seem as if your ovary is a bit resistant to treatment. Hopefully with the added medication those follicles with increase in size ready for egg collection. I've had many ladies who have struggled with medication, then gone on to achieve egg collection, so keeping everything crossed for you. Diane
Thanks Diane. This is such a stressful, emotive process. Thankfully I have had a little bit of positive new and my consultant has since contacted me to inform me this cycle is going to be stopped to for now due to a mix up with down reg/stims meds. Seems I have been given a fresh start. Feeling a bit calmer now.
Hey there!
I know you will get annoyed with me, but still please try not to worry! Stress always has bad influence on fertility, as well as health in total. Please don't hinder the process, but try to support it. I mean try to reduce stress and anxiety, focus on your husband/work/hobby/pet etc. Then, improve your lifestyle and make it healthy, if not done yet. And make your husband do the same, as he is also an important part of this process. Also, I would advise you to go to special yoga or something like that. I've read here that some ladies had great experience with acupuncture. I myself strive to stick to these recommendations to be ready when the time comes...
You are not alone! And I will pray for your success!
Not annoyed at all. It's all very sensible advice. I have spoken to my consultant since this morning and we are abandoning this cycle for now. Regrouping on Tuesday to have another look at the meds situation. I have an opportunity to start over I guess, which I should appreciate in some ways and use it as a chance to implement some of the things you mention here. I do feel incredibly stressed about this whole situation. I have a friend who teaches yoga so I think I will approach her about some exercises that can help me. I have been to a few acupuncture sessions but find it difficult to fund them. Diet and health wise, I could definitely do better. Taking lots of supplements to help things along but I know I need to take better care of myself. Today has royally freaked me out.
I totally understand... And I'm very glad that you aren't giving up I'm sure you will be ready for the next cycle and it's going to be a successful one!
Try the book the secret. It's about positive thinking giving positive results. A bit corny but I'm a true pessimist in every situation and it really helped me to try and be positive during the process.
Also be kind to yourself whatever method works for you. I went for massages and reflexology up to the 2ww to try to chill.