So..after having my BFP on the wknd I spoke to my clinic today about going back to exercise and they gave me the all clear. Before IVF I would exercise 5-6 times a week. Hard core stuff like running 10K+ Spin classes ,cross fit, circuits the harder cardio the better. I have a sneaky suspension this prevented me from fallen pregant naturally. My periods never stopped but they were pretty light.
Anyway since staying IVF I've had to follow suit and take it easy. Which meant only yoga swimming (before ET) and walking.
Today I finally went to a class in the gym and done Legs Bums 'n' Tums which is medium strength class. I felt amazing!😁
So proud of my body for being able to still do it all pregnant too.
I'm hoping to be in an exercise class at 40 wks pregnant and giving birth the following day!! lol 🤗🙌🏋