GA or sedation : Hi everyone My... - Fertility Network UK

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GA or sedation

EmmaFS profile image
27 Replies

Hi everyone

My hospital usually does EC under GA however im a big wimp and hate being put under GA so i have requested sedation instead. I was just wondering if there is anyone that had EC under sedation and what your experience was like.


Emma x

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EmmaFS profile image
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27 Replies
Tugsgirl profile image

It's funny because my clinic won't do GA and I wished they would. I've never had GA if I'm honest but it sounded very appealing to me! I read about how all the other women had drifted off into a nice sleep and I was going to be awake, I was terrified! Let me put it this way; it's not the nicest thing in the world but if I can do it anyone can! It's totally doable 😊 You will get pain relief meds in the form of a cannula (mine was in my arm not my hand) which they can top up if need be. I also took a sedative (like Valium) on the night before and the morning of (I requested it as I got so worked up lol). I had a mini freak out over the anal pessary you're required to insert on the morning too which I think is pain relief (never done one before) but again that wasn't too bad 😊 Recovery time is also very quick; I think I left within half hour of collection. Good luck with your EC, wishing you lots of eggs 😊

allieb21 profile image

Everyone has had different experiences but I would choose GA over sedation next time if I could! X

I have had EC under sedation 3 times and can't remember a thing about any of them xx

Ditsy21 profile image

I have had sedation several times and a GA once. I would definitely recommend a GA over sedation. The whole process of IVF is so stressful and emotional. Not being aware of what was happening, or feeling any discomfort during egg collection was a blessing for me, but everyone is different!

MonkAK profile image

Hi there, I was sedated for my EC and I was completely out of it. I felt nothing and remember nothing. I did apparently say some pretty silly things as I was coming round though! Xx

emmab178 profile image

Strange about different clinics. Mine only does GA. Says it's because they are too close to major arteries on ec and therefore they feel it's safer. BTW I'm assuming GA is fully out of it and asleep and sedation is something lighter?

Tugsgirl profile image

I don't understand how anyone who has sedation over GA doesn't remember anything or went to sleep? Is there a difference between conscious sedation and just sedation? I'm confused. I had conscious sedation with no other option and even with the Valium they told me I'd be awake throughout the whole thing (which I was) I don't know, perhaps some guys are just really lucky lol 😂 x

allieb21 profile image
allieb21 in reply to Tugsgirl

So was I and I found it extremely painful :( x

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to allieb21

Exactly, I don't understand when people say they had sedation but don't remember anything or they "came around" afterwards? I was never asleep, I wish! Lol. But like I said it is doable 😊 X

allieb21 profile image
allieb21 in reply to Tugsgirl

Must be how different people react. I kept breathing in gas really hard and squeezing the poor male anesthaists hand so hard!!!! I've asked if I can at least have local anaesthetic next time x

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to allieb21

I didn't get gas and air just the Pethadine drip. I did ask them to top it up once. I was holding my Partner's hand until he felt a bit feint and had to leave the room for five minutes 😂😂😂 so the nurse offered her hand lol. But like I said, it's doable, it's not nice but we don't want to make this lady think she can't do this, she totally can 💪🏻💪🏻💪🏻 X

allieb21 profile image
allieb21 in reply to Tugsgirl

Oh yea I agree. I honestly think everyone reacts differently anyway. Same as pregnancy!!!! X

I had GA and so glad I did coz I'm a wuss anyway. Was terrified enough about having GA so couldn't of done sedation xx

Amanda86 profile image

My hospital only offered sedation although they kept saying to me you might sleep through but if not you'll be comfortable and if you aren't we can administer some more.

My opinion was sedation would just be relaxed but awake and aware of things going on. However within a minute if that of them putting my sedation in the cannula I can't remember a thing and the next time I woke was when I was being wheeled back into the recovery room.

Maybe some places use a stronger strength of sedation which does cause people to sleep through? I'm really not sure but it definitely knocked me out lol xxx

Tugsgirl profile image
Tugsgirl in reply to Amanda86

Ooh that sounds good 😊 x

Aleelilook profile image

Hi Emma,

I've had 2 EC and both under heavy sedation as they don't do GA. I was completely knocked out and had no idea what was going on! They told me the second time I could have a lighter sedation if I wanted as I'm epileptic, but I wanted to be knocked out again!! Woke up a bit drowsy but nothing as intense as GA, was out of there in an hour after some tea and biscuits!! Hope it all goes well!


emu2016 profile image

I had sedation for mine. Was pretty out of it from the moment they told me I would be. Except for being aware what was going on and trying to push on my own tummy apparently to help them retrieve eggs! I don't recall this. Once it had worn off it was all pretty fine too. Just rested lots xx

Lucky17 profile image

Hi my nhs clinic only offers sedation, they put a cannula in my hand (this is what hurt the most) flushed with water, then injected the sedation in the theatre. They also numb inside you and I remember being awake talking to the nurse, then sleepy, sudden pain where they gave me more sedation then on/off being dozy/tired in recovery till I came round and back into my room where my partner was waiting. 1/2 hour on comfy chair, cup of tea, cheese & crackers and was ready to go home. Not as bad as I expected it to be, feet up & plenty of rest, hope all goes well xx

EmmaFS profile image

Thanks everyone for your messages! Good to know what people's experiences have been but I know everyone is different. I think il stick with sedation over GA. I know what I'm like il end up being more worked up with the thought of being put to sleep (silly I know) 😂 X

Filmgirl101 profile image

I was awake! Just had pain killers and walked out of the clinic 30 minutes after the procedure! Still hurt though! But I don't like going under.

ditsy999 profile image

Hi Emma, my last egg collection was under sedation. I knocked out, so didnt feel a thing. I think it depends on your body and how it reacts to the sedation. I've had GA aswell in the past and I knocked out then too. I wouldn't worry too much about it, they can always top up your meds if they think it needs to be stronger. Good luck with your egg collection x

Crocodile80 profile image

Hi Emma,

I had egg collection in December under sedation - it literally put me to sleep (but some people are in and out of consciousness) and before I knew it I was awake and going into recovery.

Try not to worry, they will look after you and you'll do great xxxx

MrsHM profile image

I loved my egg collection! I was absolutely terrified in the lead up as I'd never been in a theatre before or under any form of sedation before.

I was given an oral pre med and a painkiller in the form of an anal pessary before i was taken down to theatre and then had a cannula out in my hand which they kept pumping drugs into. They were constantly asking if I wanted more drugs or gas and air on top of what they were giving me.

I thought I would just drift off to sleep (especially after they tucked me under the blanket!) but although I had my eyes closed I remember them calling out how many eggs were retrieved which was quite magical.

I had a strong pain (like a strong period pain) for two days afterwards and was generally tired. I went in to my clinic at 9am and was home not long after lunch.

I hope this helps :)

Apparently NICE guidelines now are that they should not use GA for EC. I had strong sedation. Didn't remember much except getting on the trolley to wheel back to the ward. Just period type pains, managed on pain killers.

Only time I've had GA I was really nauseous and actually vomited a few hours later, and felt unwell for hours, so there's no way I would have it again if I could avoid it!

baby2016 profile image

I had sedation and don't remember any of it! They came and put a cannula on my hand and that's all I remember! The difference between sedation and GA is they have to use gases to keep you under, whereas with sedation they don't. After having GA for other ops I'd had sedation any day, zero side effects and feel normal pretty quick. From reading these posts everyone's sedation seems different! xx

EmmaFS profile image

Thanks I had sedation even though they advised me against it and it was the worst experience of my life. It did nothing for me I was fully awake and felt everything. I had 29 eggs collected I was in so much pain. If (hoping I won't) have to do it again will be with GA as I wouldn't be able to go through that again

Twinkle84 profile image

I had sedation on Egg collection day , I have lasted 3 second maximum I don't remember the rest :) I am a quite small person tho :)

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