So after my review appt yesterday we now have our appts ready for next cycle. I have my round 2 baseline scan booked for 25th feb as its been 3 months since last one, nurses appt booked for 14th March then should be good to start again the next period from then! Still waiting for my bleed from this failed cycle but I only stopped injections Tuesday so should be any day now. Sucks to have to pay this time round as we had no frozen embryos but hopefully we get our bfp this time around ️xx
#cycle 2 planned! : So after my review... - Fertility Network UK
#cycle 2 planned!

Hi Laura3101. Just wanted to wish you huge luck with cycle. You've got all your appointments booked so you are ready to go. Hopefully, your period will soon start, so you can get cracking when the time comes. Thinking of you. Diane
Good luck Laura
We are just about to start our self funded second cycle. We didn't getting any embies to freeze either, so starting all over.
Wishing you lots of luck for round 2 🤞🏼 Xx
That's great news that you have it all booked in already! Fingers crossed everything settles down soon for you so you can keep to schedule. Lots of luck for this new cycle xx
Sending you lots of good wishes for your second cycle Laura. x
Wishing you lots of luck hope everything goes well.
Hi Laura, that's great news. I have my review on the 28th Feb.
I hope we can get cracking as quickly as you.
Best of luck!
That's fab news, I think having a review appointment within a couple of days of the failed cycle really helps.
We are probably going to head into round 2 after my period in April (our clinic insists on having 3 bleeds between cycles). So will be looking at May for EC and ET.
Good luck xx
It really helped me having the after a few days otherwise I think I would have felt like I was left in limbo. My consultant said around 2-3 months they ask you to wait but there's no reason why we can't start as soon as we want as nothing went wrong last time and was relatively straight forward- Im still waiting for a bleed this from this time so will hopefully either start on March bleed if it's late enough but probably looking at April I would say xx
Live the strong and positive attitude!! All the best that next round works for you!! xoxo
Wishing you lots and lots of luck Laura 🙏🏼 X x x