I am new to this site... only my husband and I know about our ivf journey, so we only have each other to talk to so I thought it would be nice to join a community. I am expecting to have my results next Thursday. We had two good quality blasts transferred. Anxiously waiting as I am 39 and so ready to start a family!
Just finished my first round of ivf - Fertility Network UK
Just finished my first round of ivf

Good luck!
It's so difficult to talk about IVF with friends and family, I've recently opened up to a few people but have been vague about start dates, etc so they don't ask too many questions.
Fingers crossed for you!
Thanks for your reply! Yes we find it difficult. Not sure people understand unless they go through it.
We also don't want to re live any possible disappointment! However, it is stressful if it is just the two of you!
I appreciate your reply.
Good luck to you too!! 🍀
I am in the same situation hun, only me and hubby...it is hard, but I didn't want to tell anyone about our ivf journey.... since i am chatting on here i feel so much better. Finger crossed this will be our year. Good luck xx

Thx so much, so good to talk to people going through the same thing...
Best of luck to you!
Hi, Just wanted to say I did the say with the exception of my boss. I couldn't handle the idea of having to tell everyone all the time what was happening and how I was. For me it was easier to cope just managing mine and my husbands feelings. It was a good experience for us, and I'm now on the long wait to 12 weeks so I can tell them what we've been through these last few months. Good luck xxx
Thank you, I think I still don't quite believe it to be honest we were 3 and a half years trying. Good luck for next week hope you get your happy outcome xxx
Good luck and fingers crossed for you xxx 😘
Good luck, you've come to the right place! I would say though we told our friends, and not only was it a support for me, it really helped my husband to share the load! Ththey totally understood and then you don't feel so isolated. Obviously we are all different, and this site is great, but just wanted to say sometimes a bit of extra support can be amazing xx
Good luck Beebeestar. I've found this forum the most amazing source of support when I'm confused, excited, concerned, sad, frustrated and smiling. Welcome. We start our next IVF cycle in May. Good luck. Sounds like you've had a good journey so far xx
Welcome to the site and the 2ww, I'm also in the 2ww and my test date is also Thursday 👍
This site is great it has really helped me through from start to finish so I just hope there is a bfp at the end of it for both of us, good luck xx
I told too many people & it puts a lot of pressure on so I think u are handling it the right way!! Hope u get your BFP xxx
Wishing you lots of baby dust!!! I'm in your same shoes and 1 yr older. We have not told anyone we are going through IVF it's scary cause if one thing goes wrong my family would be devastated but thank god everything so far has gone smooth for us. We also had to embryos transferred on 2/1. Now we are patiently waiting...
Yes that's my reasons too. So far it seems smooth for us too, but next week will be the real tell. Good luck!
Same boat as you but starting next week on the long protocol. I told my mum and she wanted to put the injections in her diary! Ok she's dyslexic and that's the only way she remembers things but it's seriously put me off telling anyone else!
Good luck with the 2ww x
Just wanted to wish you luck, the 2ww is a killer 😳 Try to keep occupied and stay strong (easier said than done I know!) xx
Welcome to the community, it's been a great support to me for the past few years. You joined by a few of us currently on the 2 week wait. All the best on your test day.xx
Welcome Beebeestar, you're in a right place 🤗🤗 I too only found my way over here last month and thank heavens I did! Keeps me sane.. sort of lol 😂 Fingers and toes crossed for good news on Thursday xoxo
Hope everything has gone well Beebeestar - wishing you lots of luck! x x x
Wishing you all the best Beebeestar, wishing you all the best with your 2ww xxxxx