Hi everyone,
I am in my late 20s and have just recently finished my first icis round (NHS Funded) my AMH is low for my age and there's other factors that seem to also be at play. However we remained hopeful as our consultant felt folks of my age typically have 'healthier' eggs. unfortunately only 6 eggs were retrieved and 1 fertilised, the plan was to transfer day 3 as we only had one. However on day 3 our little embryo was developing unusually so we were advised to wait and see if it would develop into a blast. Unfortunately, on day 5 it wasn't forming usually and starting to degenerate, so we weren't able to proceed.
We were both so upset, it's a lot to go through and not get the hope of a transfer. I was wondering if anyone has had a similar experience and gone on to have other rounds that where perhaps more successful? Even just more successful in terms of embryos developing.
We are also still waiting for our consultant appointment to discuss further and if indeed we will be offered another round. I know I should be greatful for at least the try but it's nonetheless so emotionally and physically tough.