I've still got the most excruciating indigestion but my morning sickness, which I've been having all day every day since before Christmas has suddenly vanished today and I'm only just 10 weeks tomorrow. Is that normal? We've lost one of the twins so now I'm just so worried about the other little bean
Morning sickness has gone suddenly? - Fertility Network UK
Morning sickness has gone suddenly?

I contacted the midwife about this as I think that my symptoms are not as strong as before and she said that it's quite normal for them to come and go and for the symptoms to stop as you get nearer to 12 weeks. I stopped taking my medication on Saturday (as told to by the fertility clinic) so I wondered if that had anything to do with it as I just felt a little bit more with it but then I was worrying about not taking them anymore and whether they were supporting everything more. There is just so much worrying with all this-you stop worrying about one thing then another thing comes along. sending hugs xxx
Thank you. I'm so nervous about stopping the drugs at 12 weeks. Really feel daunted by it. Surely my body is used to it now and will struggle without? I'm on aspirin and clexane for blood and blood clots and all sorts as well as the hormones so I'm a bit scared something is going to go wrong when I stop
After we lost one of the twins I'm just so terrified something is going to happen to the one we have left x
Totally know what you mean-I am constantly worrying! I miscarried in August/September so I am worrying about everything. I was told to stop taking the medication at 10 weeks not 12 so thats worried me too as I hear most stop at 12 weeks. I also had a big yukky clump of What I think is the crinone gel come away today which I was taking but this has obviously got me worrying as well-so stressful!! I bet the worrying will happen throughout to be honest as it means so much as we've all been through so much with our journeys and it feels like this is our chance and our little miracle. I'm praying everyday and talking to it telling it to hold on in there and that we can't wait to meet it and it is so loved already. Perhaps you could give the midwife a call and have a chat? Xxx
Please try not to worry (I know easier said than done 😞). The exact same thing happened to me at 10 weeks and I panicked like mad. We even had a private scan done as I was so worried. I think it's normal for symptoms to fade at this time. Xxx
Its normal babez dont worry my sister morning sickness with her twins faded at 10 wks also and her twins are now nearly 4 months old now xx