Hi All,
I am currently 6dp6dFET, completely natural. After our first IVF cycle ended in a chemical pregnancy in the summer, I had forgotten just how torturous the 2ww is! I have managed not to cave in and do a test just yet, but I am still obsessing and somehow I've managed to convince myself I'm pregnant anyway! Last time I didn't really have any symptoms, but this time I've got loads and, I know it sounds stupid, but I just kind of feel different (I actually feel really stupid writing this!) and I was hoping someone might be able to tell me if it sounds likely so that I might be able to hold off testing at least for another few days! Last time I became absolutely obsessed with testing and I am trying to avoid going down that road again!
So, AF is 3 days late. While this is obviously a good sign, I'm not particularly regular, but having said that, I have been like clockwork for the last 3 months. Also, for the last day or two I have had bouts of feeling slightly sick. I also keep having dizzy spells or feel lightheaded and then when that passes I feel absolutely exhausted for about 15 minutes, like it's a huge effort to even keep my eyes open. My boobs are normal, but I have had mild cramps in my uterus and it feels really heavy, like I'm about to get AF, but obviously that still hasn't come. I just feel generally knackered and not quite with it.
So, what do you reckon? I've got 2 tests in my drawer that I've been so close to using so many times - help me resist!!
Massive luck and positive thoughts to everyone!! Xxx