Hi ladies I have my first egg collection on Thursday just wondering what is the general wait time for my little bits to be scrambled and poached and put back?
Thanks all
Hi ladies I have my first egg collection on Thursday just wondering what is the general wait time for my little bits to be scrambled and poached and put back?
Thanks all
Hey Hun it all depends on how your embryos are doing. I had my egg collection one a Friday and I had my transfer the following Monday. X
Just to add you should get a good idea on fri morning when your clinic should call to let you know how many eggs fertilised. In mine, if less than 3 fertilised, they'll put those back on day 2 (would be sat for you). If there are more then they look at them at day 3 and if a good number are still going strong, they'll wait til day 5 (tue for you). Be aware that since this stage (blastocyst) is quite advanced only about 40% of your embryos will reach it. The ones which don't would have been unlikely to make it. So it helps the clinic choose the best. Of course some clinics don't open at the weekend so that can influence their decision. Do you know if yours does? If you need to take time off I'd do it to day 5 although I worked yesterday and my day 5 transfer is today. But I think I recovered quicker than most. Good luck tomorrow!