Two little embryos that thawed perfectly are on board and hopefully lucky and sticky. Just got to stay relaxed and wait now while keeping everything crossed. Making our slow and steady way home via train now to a hopefully relaxing weekend of pyjamas and duvet on the sofa. Fingers crossed now! Thank you so much to everyone who wished me luck and was thinking of me today. It meant a lot and i appreciate each and every one. Hopefully third time is the charm
FROZEN EMBRYOS ON BOARD!: Two little... - Fertility Network UK

Ooo Sending lots of Good Luck your way KittyK, how lovely to have 2 onboard! Praying it works this time for you xx
Wishing you all the best for the 2ww. I hope you get your bfp my lovely. X
Hope everything goes fine... Try some gentle yoga , that might help relaxing .. There are lots of videos on youtube on that . Xx
Good luck, keeping everything crossed for you 🍀Xx
That's great news Kitty, the wife has EC on Thursday, we got a call on Friday to say 7 had fertilised ( due to scam revealing a pylop), FT won't be done yet and possibly a FET at a let date after pylop is removed. We hope to hear from the embryologist tomorrow to see how the eggs are developing.
So pleased for you. Relax, take care and keep in touch kitty
Sorry to hear about the polyp but 7 fertilised is very good that's pretty much the hard part over. I know you must be disappointed you can't have them back now but the drugs for an FET are so less invasive. Good luck for your friend
Thank you Mel. Really appreciate it. Just hoping this is it now. I can't shake this cough I've had though so I hope I'm not stopping them from implanting properly >__< every minute is a worry. Trying to stay relaxed and positive thank you for the support xx
One more thing for you. Found this info once. For me it was quite interesting as for doing things at the first time in our life we needed loads of answers. Below is a list of what happens after your transfer to your embryo after IVF, day by day.
After a 3 day transfer:
One - embryo continues to grow and develop, turning from a 6-8 cell embryo into a morula.
Two – the cells of the morula develop into a blastocyst.
Three - the blastocyst begins to hatch out of its shell.
Four - the blastocyst begins to attach itself to the uterus.
Five - the blastocyst begins implantation.
Six - implantation continues
Seven - implantation is complete, the placenta and fetus have begun to develop.
Eight - hCG starts to enter the blood stream.
Nine – Ten - fetal development continues.
Eleven - levels of hCG are now high enough in your blood to detect a pregnancy
After a 5 day transfer:
One - the blastocyst begins to hatch out of its shell.
Two - the blastocyst begins to attach itself to the uterus.
Three - the blastocyst begins implantation.
Four - implantation continues.
Five - implantation is complete, the placenta and fetus have begun to develop.
Six - hCG starts to enter the blood stream.
Seven – Eigh - hCG continues to be secreted.
Nine - levels of hCG are now high enough in your blood to detect a pregnancy
If you have a 5 day transfer, you will likely get a positive pregnancy test 2 days earlier than with a 3 day transfer. This is because the 5 day embryo is more developed.
Thinking of you! xxx