Everyone, need a piece of advice or like a cheering word from you.
Gonna undergo tx very soon (egg donor ivf). Don’t know how to be. We’r living now in Berlin, my dh is deutch im American. Don’t know if it matters or not. I am 34, my dh is 45. I was diagnosed with unexplained type of infertility and we underwent 4 att on my own eggs. All failed. Now I ddon’t know if it’s a good idea to go for a tx in another country. If you know in Germany its forbidden by law to have ivf treat on de and that’s all what wer opting for now. The thing is I need to know if in other country I will feel comfortable and all.
1. do I get to choose the donor?
2. can I meet the donor at all?
3. how much did you pay for your tx if you had one? (Im looking for some options and don’t actually understand the prices, I mean, if it’s ok for tx to cost like this or not?)
4. what kind of medications do I have to buy, I mean, if I sign with a clinic abroad are they prescribing the same meds as everywhere, can I buy them at home?
That’s all I have for now. Would appreciate your replies. Thnx