Has anyone really suffered bad .. on busererlin I suffered on and off but not intensley and was managable. I have had 2 nights of menopur and one constant migrane to the point even in a dark room my head is throbbing despite drink 4 litres of water plus .... any tips to help??
Menopur Headaches!!!: Has anyone really... - Fertility Network UK
Menopur Headaches!!!

Hi sorry to hear it's so bad for you, I also have headaches but they usually go away with 500paracetamol +cup of black coffee.
Don't drink too much water, you may accidentally wash too many vitamins and minerals away. Sent lots of hugs and fingers crossed the headaches will settle a bit xx
Ahh thanks hun I have cut coffee out completley some months back. I have taken paracetomol which helps marjonley. Good point about the water i didnt think of that thank you xx
I had headaches on the buserelin but felt a bit better on menopur. I cant sympathise as migranes are so debilitating. I took codeine for my headaches and found lying in a hot bath afterwards with my head under the water (just my nose sticking out to breathe obviously LOL) helped relieve mine. You could also try forehead or tigerbalm which can help too.xx
Ah no Im sorry you suffered bad on the busererlin as thats the longer part x I thought we werent aloud to have baths during stims? haha I love doing that and it made me giggle reading that x I will try tiger balm tonight thank you xx
Mine was only at the tail end of buserelin when the drug had really kicked in, felt constantly hungover! Bathing during stims is ok but not after egg collection for infection reasons! Ha ha ha I love that in a bath too but it really sorts out a headache if you take painkillers first! Hope you get some relief!xx
I had horrendous headaches when I started the menopur. They would last all day and nothing seemed to ease them. Suffered with them for about the first 4 days and then they just stopped and after that I was fine! Fingers crossed yours stop in the next day or 2. Xx
I'm really suffering too. Been constant since I started Buserelin 😔 nothing seems to relieve mine at the moment. That's not really helpful but at least you know you're not alone 😘 x x x
I get migraines from some of the meds too... I've just bought some peppermint oil yesterday to try as a natural remedy (can also try peppermint tea), for the next one I get, so sorry but I haven't been able to test it yet! Here's an article explaining how to use it if you are interested: healthline.com/health/migra...
Ps. It mentions there haven't been any studies on use during pregnancy, so to be safe I'd not use it after ET.
I didn't get headaches/migraines but I had really bad mood swings. So much so when we went for the second round, it was the one thing we wanted to change. We just couldn't cope with the effects of this one!!!!!
Hi! How long did it take for you? I had my first Menopur injection last night and woke up with a major headache. Feels like a migraine building up. Hope it didn't last to long for you!
Hi Hun they subsided after 3 days however i did have quite bad grumpiness and mood swings after unfortunatley I didnt do great on them. I had a bath took paractomol and slept to help I had to leave work early twice to go home and sleep it off x I really hope they improve for you x