18 retrieved 12 Fertilised 2 Frozen - Fertility Network UK

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18 retrieved 12 Fertilised 2 Frozen

Candyfloss31 profile image
11 Replies

I had just had the phone call today from the clinic that out of the 12 embryos 2 made it to the blastocyst stage and were frozen but the 10 eggs didnt make and she said she was sorry i said well 2 is better then nothing but something in me just died alittle i never thought it would hit me this hard because at the end of the day they were my embryos a part of me so i feel like I failed but in some way that is just nature im just gonna rest with my thoughts right now.

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Candyfloss31 profile image
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11 Replies
Endofitall profile image

I am very sorry. It’s so hard. I dread those embryology calls.

Do you know when they stopped growing? Try and get as much info as you can, and get some questions prepared for your follow up. As it can help then to look at what may help eg sperm DNA fragmentation testing if you’ve not done this already.

Take care of yourself. Two blastocysts is still a good number though and hopefully one of them at least is the one!

Candyfloss31 profile image
Candyfloss31 in reply to Endofitall


fidgetmcgee profile image

I’m sorry, I had similar numbers at egg collection at to freeze and the drop off is so hard. I know what you mean about feeling attached to those little eggs. Congratulations on your two blasts though! :) I hope that the next stage goes well, wishing for all the luck in the world for you!

Candyfloss31 profile image
Candyfloss31 in reply to fidgetmcgee


Candyfloss31 profile image
Candyfloss31 in reply to fidgetmcgee

Thanks for your kind message mean a lot i didnt realise how much it would hit me until that moment but im keeping positive as much as i can 💕

Christianbaby profile image

I'm so sorry, I really understand how hard it is when the numbers drop. Those two embryos are still a glimmer of hope, and they hold so much potential. Good luck with everything, and take all the time you need to rest and process. Sending you lots of strength and hope. x

Candyfloss31 profile image
Candyfloss31 in reply to Christianbaby

Thanks so much for your kind words means a lot to me, im still processing from yesterday call but like you said i have two precious embryos and thats what keeping me going keeping my head held high until the time of transfer sending wishes and strength to you too xx

Lelllow profile image

sorry to hear that! My heart stopped every time the lab called - the eggs are out of your body and now you have no control what’s so ever. It’s a very hard and emotional process.

Someone already mentioned that it is worth to try and learn when the embryos stopped growing - after day three is likely to be related to sperm.

Good luck with the two blasts you’ve got xx

Candyfloss31 profile image
Candyfloss31 in reply to Lelllow

I think until your in the ivf journey you dont realise what your gonna face mentally and physically and especially having 2 embryos at the end of it all it was a great thing but all the others i lost was quite emotional to me as it was part of me but im keeping the faith and keep on going thanks for your message xx

monkee641 profile image

Please don’t give up hope. I had less embryos that this that fertilised, and 2 blasts on day 5. One of them is now my beautiful 14 month daughter. Everything crossed for you x x

Candyfloss31 profile image

Congratulations, im trying to keep positive much as i can and not giving up hope at least i have 2 precious embryos but thanks very much for the positive message xx

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