Hi, it's been 9 days since our double embryo transfer and the last two days I've had faint lines on home pregnancy kits. However, today we had our official test day. The nurse said my HCG level was 33, but normal is 50-60 at this stage. One of our embryos hadn't reached blastocyst stage yet so she said it could just still be early days... But also that it could be a biochemical pregnancy. Anyone had low levels on OTD but gone on to have a successful pregnancy? Or had similar level and a failed pregnancy? I don't know whether to feel upset or hopeful x
Low HCG on official test day- biochem... - Fertility Network UK
Low HCG on official test day- biochemical pregnancy?

I’m so sorry to hear this I have my fingers crossed for you. My OTD is tomorrow and I fear the same my tests have been very very faint
Wishing you the best. Xx
You're not out yet Hun. Anything over 5 is classed as a positive and it's not so much the number the issue but if it doubles within the 48 hours so hopefully you can get bloods done again and they have risen. Don't give up hope yet xx
I had mine tested at 8dp5db my levels were 7.05... few days later they were 300! I’m going for a scan next week🤭
As for the pg tests.. I tested way to early and every day don’t worry about the lines if it’s faint it’s there! Mine were faint and some still are
There is hope .. good luck!
That's reassuring to know, thank you! My test strips were showing lightish lines, then got lighter, now back to how they were before, may be getting darker but not enough to be confident about... I had two blastocysts put in so I'm wondering if they both took, then one went and the other is now taking off. I really hope so! My partner is being really negative, convinced it's failed. We're usually on the same page so I'm hoping I get to say I told you so on Monday. Always good to hear positive stories xx
2 weeks ago, on my test day, I had a faint line positive but 2 days later had a negative result. I’d fallen from 33 to 14 HCG and sadly it was all over. I hope with all hope it doesn’t go this way for you but my reason for sharing was to say that if it is bad news you can get through it. It hurts so very much but you will be ok in time. Wishing you the very best and sending good luck vibes xxx