Hi there,
We had a 4 day transfer of 2 good quality but not yet blastocyst embryos on Sunday and decided to keep our other two going to see how they developed. It seems that our seed are either slow developers or just plain lazy (just like Mum and Dad!) as the embryologist called today (day 6) to say that one has become a very good quality blastocyst and that the other is good quality and looks like it will become a blastocyst later today. We had at first decided not to freeze any as we thought that we would do the whole process again if we were unsuccessful this time as the chances are obviously higher, but as the two remaining eggs are of such good quality, and I am nearly 39, we have decided to freeze both.
I was just wondering if anyone could explain to me what a frozen cycle consists of. Obviously, there is no egg collection, etc., but what does happen in order to prepare you for transfer?
Many thanks for any information anyone can give. Xx