Saving Hard For Our Next Round.. - Fertility Network UK

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Saving Hard For Our Next Round..

liz1985 profile image
10 Replies

Hi Everyone,

I havent posted on here for a while was so disappointed when my first and only round nhs funded didnt work! We have now started to save the £3200 and are almost there!..whilst excited I am also very very scared! If this round failed me and my partner just cannot imagine ever getting the money to have another round again! We have saved over £2000 in just over a month but have done this by getting money of my parents and other family members (which I also feel very guilty about) As my mum is a pensioner who is disabled and has received major cuts to her money already and really cannot afford to give us what she has given! I have also seen my relationship with my partners family suffer as I resent the fact that they have shown no support to us what so ever none of them have spoken to me about ivf sent any well wishes or anything and this has caused major arguments between me and my partner as he resents the fact that I dont seem to want them in our life at moment! I know this is bad to say but I just feel that they could have been a lot more involved during IVF and after it failed but dont seem that interested! Do people on here think I am wrong in thinking that they should have been more supportive? I sometimes feel as though the world is against us and have lashed out at people which I regret! My partner has sisters that have children and they tend to keep them away from us which hurts a lot! I really took the failed IVF badly even telling my mum that I didnt want to be here anymore! which is another worry that my mental health will deteriorate even further when if it should fail a second time and is a major worry for my mum! We had our follow up appointment some time ago now the consultant said its a major concern for him that we only had 2 eggs collected last time so this time they will up my meds but not to expect much more than that because he suspects I have a low reserve of eggs! which obviously didnt fill me with confidence just a bit lost at moment on whether I should continue on this journey at all as together with my depression and egg situation I just dont know whether I am strong enough! Sorry for the huge rant but just needed to get it off my chest and hopefully get some advice thanks for reading and best of luck in all your journeys! xxxxxxxxxx

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liz1985 profile image
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10 Replies
NCFT profile image

Hi Liz

It sounds like you're having a really hard time. I'm no expert but wondered if you could ask for some counselling? We've been offered some as part of our treatment so you may be entitled to some too? If not I would go to your doctor and ask for a referral for this support instead.

It's hard to comment about your partner's family without knowing them but I think it's probably not helping you to have this going on at the same time- especially if it's causing you and your partner to argue too. If you can, put it to one side and spend your energy doing things that make you feel good. Go swimming, walk as much as you can, read that book- whatever you enjoy! If you invest in yourself you'll feel better and everyone else won't seem to important. 

I hope that helps 😘

Hello Liz and must say great to see you back my cycle buddy 😘 Have a look around at various clinics as the prices change a lot also some clinics have offers on defo worth an afternoon Google. If the doc suspects you have low amh get them to test, I had a blood test at the start and had it confirmed mind is low. I have started taking dhea as I have heard alot of positives and so far no side effects. 

As for your partners family sometimes people are unsure how to react or what to say for the best, don't worry about them just consentrate on yourself and like NCFT said maybe access some counsiling to help you through it.


Karinyaa profile image

My dear! I just wanted to say I'm sorry. We all had to make the decision on the clinic and where it would be the best to apply for treatment. We were absolutely shocked with the prices in our area. But tried IUI, ICSI rounds. you know, it loomed lots of money. So our next try we decided had to be performed abroad.

We went to Ukraine, Biotexcom. We applied for egg donation program there. (Low egg quality, endo; DH - low count and sperm motility.) We booked 5 att there for 9900 euro. And it went with the guarantee. In case of 5 failures they refund all money paid!! Besides all the needed meds are included into the package price. And selective reduction if needed. (This is another 1000 euro!).

I know DE is not your case. But there are so many other places to find better solution as for the saving money. Try to do more research, you'll see, you don't have to stick to the same clinic thinking they know your situation better. There are lots of great specialists. Just talk to more people here and on forums. (We found ours via net). Good luck to you, honey xx

Hi Hun

Sorry formally you are going through.

Before you spend your money again think about going abroad I am on my 2ww yang donor eggs not sure of the outcome but they have an amazing ore-care and after care not just money grabbing clinics.

I went it a clinic in Greece and a fraction of the cost private message me if you want details.

Good luck either way xxx

liz1985 profile image

Hi lovelies..

Oh thank you for your lovely messages is very nice to hear from you.. I am a trained counsellor so know all the protocol for counselling and just don't think it would be suitable for me but I know it can be very beneficial to some.. I have considered going abroad for my treatment but ruled this out as I am so nervous about treatment anyway I just believe that having the clinic abroad would add to my anxieties which I def don't need at moment! Lol I looked into another clinic which is near me and ruled this out as it seemed to be a lot more expensive than the clinics at moment it was coming in at over £4000 per treatment with our clinic only being at £3200 we decided to stick to what we know also the doctors are familiar with me now and nurses are very good there although their success rates are quite low compared to the other clinic! I think we will just see how we go there although I suppose booking a consultation couldn't do any harm so may do that! Thanks for your support I love this site has really helped me lots of baby dust to you all on your journeys good luck!!! Xxxx

A lot of clinics offer free open evenings to look around and talk to people we have booked two of these at different clinics just to see what else is out there should we need it x

liz1985 profile image

Hi my lovely cycle buddy!

I have just called another clinic who have said to arrange a consultation I will need to request my notes from my previous cycle as this will save us a lot of time and money and allow the clinic to see what they can do differently from the last cycle so we have decided to have a look at that as an option just called our previous centre who say they will mail a form to me today to complete before they release notes so hopefully will have consultation booked soon at other clinic I wish you lots of luck button really hope you find the right clinic for you! Lots of love take care of yourself xxxx

in reply to liz1985

Thanks great and may make you feel better about it all. We are doing our second round with same clinic last chance with my own eggs,but been looking at others incase we need to use donor eggs as I would rather change then we have also been researching into adoption so some how I will be a mummy 🙏🏼😀

liz1985 profile image

I hope so sweetie I really do such a hard journey we all deserve our little miracle as no one wants it more than we do!! XXXX 

Abna profile image

Hello my dear sorry for all your stressed however it is good you have a supporting family.With regards your partners family just take it's really not easy,I also did an ivf in Sept it's failed but we decided to try again.Am also worried but I believe with God all things are possible.So keep the faith and give a try again you never know what God has in store for you.

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