I've been on the stimulating drugs for 13 days now. My dosage was increase to 450 as I was not responding at all. I have been for my scan this morning and only one follicle is growing. The nurse has given me two options 1. To cancel the cycle and started again using a different approach or 2. continue stimulating until Wednesday to see if the follicle grows further with a view to EC. As we all know there is no guarantee there will be an egg. So confused. Of course I don't want to waste an egg if there is a small chance of success but I also don't want to waste a cycle on the NHS, when the odds are so small. Does anyone have any advice.
Advice : I've been on the stimulating... - Fertility Network UK

Hi Poppy, while I haven't been in this situation yet throughout this whole process Ihave ffollowed the advice of the specialists - ask them what they think the best course of action is for you x
I also failed to respond despite a previous huge response to Clomid. I was on a tiny dose of Gonal F and they only upped it slightly as they were being cautious. After a month on the long protocol we decided to cancel as only 2 small follicles at scan. As hard as it was, it felt like the right decision. I just didn't have any faith in that cycle.
For a whole number of reasons I actually got a huge refund from the clinic but one of these was that I felt they didn't monitor things closely enough and I could have stopped earlier before spending even more on drugs which were never likely to work.
Not sure if this helps but just wanted to you to know that you're not the only one who has gone through this. Everything else talks of egg collection and transfer, let alone pregnancy. I just want to get to the IVF bit!
Good luck.
Hi There, I didnt respond well either and only had 2 follies and 1 egg. I wish now we cancelled that go and tried again another cycle with different protocol as the 1 egg they got didnt fertilise. Consultant told me after 5% chance it working with my eggs 60% with donor so 2nd go we are going donor as want the biggest chance possible. Hard decision for you I know but thought id tell you my experience xx
Hi, I haven't been in this situation but when I had my early consultations at my clinic, they told me if I was left with only 1 follicle after the stimms they would convert the cycle to IUI. There is a lower cost associated with IUI as well, so ask them about this option and whether it can work for you and if this would affect your chance at getting another free cycle. Otherwise maybe you can abandon the full cycle and try naturally with your hubby around the time the egg gets released, so you can have another go at an IVF cycle?
Thank you for taking time to tell me about your experiences. It is such a hard decision to make if I cancel this cycle will I be wondering 'what if'. Luckily we have two goes on the NHS failing that we could afford to pay for additional cycles. What I find the hardest is they can't give me an explanation as to why I haven't responded 'just one of those thing'.
Back at the hospital tomorrow, if the follicle hasn't grown much more the decision will be taken out of my hands anyway as the hospital will cancel the cycle.
Thanks again x
Hi Poppy83. Just wanted to wish you well with whatever decision is made for you today. Hopefully your follicle has matured enough to use. If not, then it might be that you need a different protocol/approach to a cycle of IVF. Fortunately, lots is learned about you during a cycle of treatment, so that you can be "fine tuned" differently next time. Keeping everything crossed for you. Diane
Thank you Diane, been for a further scan this morning and two more follicles appear to be growing to the nurses surprise, they are keeping me on Bemfola and scanning me again Friday. Do you know how long I can be kept on stimulating drugs? she mentioned some women have been on them for up to three weeks.
Hi Poppy83. The normal length of use is 7-10 days. However, it is not uncommon to carry on for another 7 days then reviewed with another few days added on if you are just a slow responder. trust what they say, as they will give you their best shot within safe limits. Hope all looks better on Friday. Diane