Hi all! Hope you are all well!! I have heard back news today....When we originally went for investigation tests we were told my partners sperm count was under 2 million and as it was so low they couldn't provide us with any more information re motility etc. I am due to start taking the pill on my next cycle which should be starting within the next couple days. My partner was told he had to go for a sperm sample and another sample after that for them to freeze a sample. He went for his first test last week and we got the results today and have just been told he only produced 8 sperm of which 4 were no use so only 4 would have been OK to use!! I am absolutely heartbroken how can they tell us that he had under 2 million I never imagined it to be this low?!?
He is going for his frozen sample next week I am hoping this one is going to be a little bit better.
Has anyone had such low results and resulted in a BFP?
This journey has already been so emotional I am not sure how we will get through it!