Hi All,quick update...
had 1 failed ICSI 1 egg didnt fertilise. now on NHS waiting list for donor egg. our consultant asked for another sperm sample to make sure its no worse. just had result back it is a little worse... 0.3 million per millilitre?
Thing is in the meantime as waiting list is so long we are going to Cyprus for treatment and our consultant in UK is going to call next week (she is on holiday) to see if she wants us to freeze any sperm as back up. But would 0.3 mil be ok for ICSI? I have told the clinic in Cyprus that its low but not how low just said ok for icsi? is 0.3 ok for ICSI? I will of course talk to Cyprus once we have spoken to our UK consultant about it. The thing is Cyprus will want a back up donor sperm if ours is not good but OH not too keen on it! Also our consultant told us as OH count is consistently low she didnt feel there would be a problem as plenty (last Nov) for ICSI we are happy to freeze some in UK if needs be but want to make sure we will be ok for October with 0.3 ish ICSI?