We are now on the dreaded 2WW and am really struggling. This is our 3rd cycle (miscarriage followed by a BFN) so I thought I'd be used to it by now but that's not the case. We had the ET on Saturday and have been stressed about not stressing ever since. It doesn't help that this will probably be our last cycle and my sister-in-law has recently had a BFP after their first cycle.
I went back to work today as I just sit behind a desk and wanted a distraction from googling any possible symptoms. I felt great this morning but by lunchtime I felt very tearful. I managed to hold it together and had a long lunch break but feel really up and down.
I think really what I want is some sign that it's worked but I already feel as though it hasn't and want to get the bad news over with.
Any positive words would be v welcome!!! xxx