So let me introduce myself. I don't want to disclose my name but I am 26 and have been trying for a baby for almost 2 years now. I know this is a short time when comparing it to other people's stories but I feel like I really want to be a mother now. I ovulated on Saturday and am praying that I am pregnant as my periods tend to be a month and a half apart. In ultrasound I had last week shows my ovaries are enlarged but they have not yet confirmed poly cystic overies. Does anyone share in my experience as I would love to hear about yours 😊
I'm afraid that I won't get pregnant - Fertility Network UK
I'm afraid that I won't get pregnant

Hello! Welcome to the site. I have also been ttc for 2 years and have just started my first round of IVF. It is really hard. I have had lots of tears and tantrums during the time we've been trying! I went to see a counsellor whigh was a huge help and something I would recommend if you're finding it hard.
Take care and best of luck x
I am 26 also I like urself wanted to be a mum
And tried for a couple of years with no success after all the tests the doctors told me they could see no reason for why I wasn't falling pregnant ..... I was then told I was eligible for ivf on these grounds ..... I had my first cycle and it worked I'm currently 18 weeks pregnant ........ The only thing is when I was younger 13-16 I was in hospital a few times having cysts removed from my Fallopian tubes the doctors says that the tubes were not scarred but I can't help thinking think was the reason I couldn't Concieve naturally as I had no problems at all with the ivf everything went completely fine ...... Stay strong and good luck huni All the best xxxxx

Hi BabyloveS. All I need to say is that you have tried for 2 years now, and it seems as if you are at the start of investigations, so let’s hope that blood tests and any procedures don’t take too long to get under way. I know we would all like to conceive without any help at all, so of course, I wish you huge luck with whatever is decided for you. Diane
I know what ur going thru..I've been trying to get pregnant for awhile now BTW I'm 28 and its been hard.I was told that my prolactine level was high so I'm on bromocriptine to lower it..I also have pcos so I'm hoping this medication works...just pray and hope for the best
Thank you for your response. I have been praying hard and trying not to focus on it too much but it's very difficult.
I wish you all the best and let me know how everything goes with your treatment 😊