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Hi! Thank you all for your support and best wishes. I did my test this morning and sadly it was a negative. I am so disappointed. This was my second cycle that failed. However there was nothing more I could have done . I changed my diet, I had the endometrial scrape, acupuncture, relax cd and massages. It still did not work, am sorry if I am just having a moan but it hurt so much. I don't know how much of this i could take but never mind, I will give it a go one last time before I call it quit.

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22 Replies
gemma36 profile image

Sorry hop only just seen this message I posted on your other post.

So sorry to hear your result, take it easy today and have lots of cuddles together. Big hugs xx

We are testing on Tuesday but am not feeling very positive at the moment as not really feeling any different.

in reply to gemma36

Hi! gemma36, thank you and big hugs to you to. Don't give up hope, you never know, some people does not really get any symptoms. I will keep my finger cross for you hun.

So sorry to hear about the negative. You were doing all the right things, let's hope your next attempt is the one. Was you taking pregnacare conception and vitamins? That's what I've been taking before transfer and a couple of days after. Wish you all the best, fingers crossed for you lovely. x

Hi! thank you twitawoo. I was taking the pregnacare conception, I guess it has all the things needed in it so I did not take anything else. Will give it a last go, it will be my third and final. we cannot afford anymore at least for a while. All the best to you to.

pm27 profile image

So sorry to hear you got a negative. It just seems so unfair.

I really hope you get a positive on your 3rd go.

Thinking of you.

Thank you pm27!

So sorry I am with you struggling to raise funds tomgomagain still fresh negative last Sunday.

Hubby heartbroken so scared to again.

Maybe next time😘🙏

Hi! So sorry, am in the same situation. My husband is taking it harder than me although I cannot explain how heartbroken i am feeling like i lost something i never had. Am considering having a consultation in another clinic to see if my clinic missed something. This will be my third and last time. hope we get our miracle soon.

in reply to


Yes that is exactly what we feel too. Angry at the world, needing and wanting answers because this process is just not cheap. Fighting the need to want to go again and the need to go again.

Going to pay for a scan that apparently gives you a full internal and blood process to tell you the viability and protocol. 🙏🏽

We have given our clinic 10k and end up with nothing and no answers other than SORRY!!!!!!!

Going else where to figure it out, it may be nothing but could be something.

Hate feeling like a ticket number and off you go😢

Sorry for the rant but sometimes I think flip sake we are paying you for a personal service at the very least make us feel like people ousted of sorry and next couple😡

Anyways good luck on your 3rd try this is gonna be the one😁

in reply to

Hi! Tamtam1, No need to apologise for the rant, you right, I am angry with the world at the moment to, need some time to pick myself up. I don't feel fully supported by my clinic. As you say, it like just a number then move on to the next. Wow! 10k, that a lot of money. So far we have spent £5600.00, for all tests, meds and everything else for two cycle. This does not include our acupuncture, massages, pregnacare, vitamins and etc. My doctors had so much hope for me at the beginning, now I really don't know. There is not any real reason for it not to happen. I had loads of good quality embryo which gave me 4 high quality blastocysts. My lining is fine as far as they can see, so don't know what the problem. I guess you are doing the right thing, going to get a scan to give you a bigger picture. Will be following your idea, and trying something else. I cant see it making sense just going back and doing a third cycle without an investigation to try to see what went wrong. 1st fail cycle is one thing but the second is another story. We are paying a lot of money however it like we has to beg for information. I understand that it is only so much they can do but they need to make some alteration to my procedure and give more information, or am off to another clinic. At least I tried something different.

Becks72 profile image


I'm so sorry, this is a very cruel journey. Like you just had my second cycle, miscarriage first time and tested on Friday, hcg only 6 so clinic told me stop meds. Words can't really describe how it feels but take time for each other. We will have another go although time against me as I'm 42 and its donor egg IVF we've used already, that said I need a break in the last 4 1/2 months I've done two rounds my body doesn't know if it's coming or going. We are planning a holiday later in the year just before trying again we need to focus on us a bit, everything since Christmas has been about the IVF.

I hope its third time lucky for you when you're ready to try again. Don't be too hard on yourself you did everything you could, when I had my miscarriage the nurse told me whether a pregnancy progresses is really down to the embryo there is only so much we can do. I'm seeing my acupuncturist Tuesday and hope she can help me feel more positive about moving forward and help with the symptoms of this period which yet to start.

Take care


Hi! Becks, am so sorry to hear about your situation, I know the feeling. It is so hard sometimes when you look around and see how easy your friends getting pregnant. To be honest I feel hopeless today, am asking my self if it will make a difference doing it the third time when it have not work twice. The positive in your case is you know at least it can happen. Infertility is such a cruel thing, am 37 and it never happened. Like you I had two IVF cycle, except mines failed both times. The emotional stress is so much, it can easily break you. Am sorry, for ranting on.

hopeforICSI profile image

Thinking of you hun , wish you cope with this situation very soon. Or happens to most of us going through ivf. I did failed two embryo transfers, one by one FET. Xx can understand your thoughts. Wish you come over it soon.

in reply to hopeforICSI

Thank you, for your support.

Jen364 profile image

I am so sorry hop36. This journey we are on can be so cruel, unfair and heartbreaking. And do not apologise, you have every right to feel the way you feel and on here is a good place to rant. It will all still be so raw. Look after yourself and take good care of each other x

in reply to Jen364

Thank jen364, am trying my best to stay strong. Am just so tired of being fed up, but I will be okay. Cant begin to say how valuable this site is, i can say how i feel without people judging me or saying don't worry it will happen soon. I have been hearing this for the longest while. Anyway hun, i wish you all the best, take care.

Filmgirl101 profile image

It took us a lot of years to pay for our treatments. It took 6 goes to get our little one and 2 subsequent ones in an attempt to get a sibling. Both ended in chemical pregnancies. 8 rounds cost us SOO much, but we wouldn't trade the end result for anything. We gave up so much to pay for it. It isn't fair, and it isn't nice. Infertility strikes a lot of us. And it's okay to be angry at it. I am!

hopeforICSI profile image

The dreadful rollercoaster ivf... But we have thi though the wood! Feed up and angry.. Mixed emotions yet I would keep going through , who knows when miracles happen. But emotional, physical and psychological investment is that hard is couples with expenditures, it would hurt much. No body understand how we feel... This group means so much to me and all of us xx

Hepzibah profile image

It's an awful situation to be in, isn't it? Our current [in]fertility debt stands at £30,000. We have nothing left, but booked a three-cycle-package anyway. It's awful being in this quagmire of maternal/paternal need and financial ruin via (what can only be described as) an impersonal baby production line. Don't give up, Hop36. We begin our third ICSI-IVF in August... and I am 42 and counting. I listened to this last week. It made me more determined, actually bbc.co.uk/programmes/b05wpmkn. Am I doing the right thing? I don't know, I really don't.

fertmag profile image

Hi Hop36 Just been reading your post from a couple of months ago - I hope you dont mind me replying. So sorry you're still on this horrible journey and the other ladies have all been very supportive at a time you needed support. I had a failed IUI and ICSI with PGD, then a chemical pregnancy after DE ICSI. I then looked into implantation failure/early miscarriage and had investigations into immune & blood clotting issues. Like you I thought it would be a waste of time just doing another cycle without more investigations. Although all my results were negative, I took the meds as if there was a problem for our next cycle, and we now have a 4 yr old! This area is very controversial but what I learnt during our journey was go with your gut instinct and blow what anyone else thinks - it's your decision and your life. Very very good luck. xx

in reply to fertmag

Fertmag, it never to late for advice. I am waiting for my blood results and the killer cells biopsy results. it should be ready tomorrow. i definitely will have a chat to my doctor about using the med anyway. I want to give it my all on the next cycle. hopefully we will be trying soon. Thank again for your advice, all the best to you. hopexx

fertmag profile image

You're welcome. Good luck with the results and everything crossed it will be your turn next :-) Baby dust to you xxx

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