Medical Consultation: Today I went for... - Fertility Network UK

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Medical Consultation

21 Replies

Today I went for my Medical Consultation and for all the tests to be signed off, whats going to happen at the treatment etc. Only to find my Ruebella levels are too low, so that puts things back a little for my journey. Its easily remidied, I just need to book to have the imunisation at the GP, if they can't find results of when I had it done when I was a child then a booster will need to be done a month apart. After a month of that another blood test needs to be done to show levels again and then I'm ready to go. Nurse appointment isn't until mid August though!! So looking at early September for treatment. What a long journey and time is running out as I only have until April before I am too old :o(.

Feeling a little down but it's just one of those things - as long as I can get the tests done before then x

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21 Replies
mstov88 profile image

Hi, only just joined this network but spotted your post and thought I'd reply as I have just experienced exactly the same thing! had all my blood tests etc and thought I was all good to go only to hear back that I don't have rubella immunity. so same as you, bit disheartening to have to delay things! I have had my first jab and then they said they will do blood test again in a few weeks to see if I have immunity.... frustrating that you can't get an appointment until August though?

in reply to mstov88

If you can, I would perhaps wait a month till after your jab, that is what I was told today. Apparently the levels can change as we get older as I was immunised against Ruebella when I was at school.

They are busy at the fertility clinic in Southampton and that was the earliest appointment I could get with the nurse!! Oh well at least it is booked!

mstov88 profile image
mstov88 in reply to

yes I was definitely immunised at school as well. anyway yes, we are on the right track at least, its still progress, if a little delayed!

E81hopefull profile image
E81hopefull in reply to mstov88

Hi mstov88, was just reading this post, I've had blood tests and amh done about 3 weeks ago and just had some forms in post come to sign and it said what's needed and it had about rubella. Was wondering do they find out if ur rubella immune through ur blood test? Or do you have to book for it with ur GP? I'm a bit confused. My last rubella injection was when I was at school. Didnt realise until now it was needed!! 😱

in reply to E81hopefull

Like you, I had my rubella jab when I was at school too. It wasn't until I went to the fertility clinic (when they do a standard blood test which tests for hepatitis, HIV and Rubella) that I found out my rubella levels had dropped (at the hospital). It's quite east to rectify though but does put back the treatment about 2 months as I had to have 2 jabs (at my doctors) because it is such a long time since I went to school that they couldn't find the paper records! So had to have the follow up booster after. You will also need to get the doctors to print off the record that you have had it done so to show the hospital. It is a good thing though as it can guard you against deformity. Hope that helps x

E81hopefull profile image
E81hopefull in reply to

Thanks for ur reply, does that mean the clinic will tell me if my rubella levels are low or not as I had bloods done for the hiv etc so I'm guessing the rubella was on that list too as I didn't get chance to see everything on the blood form. Sorry for the questions x

in reply to E81hopefull

Ask whatever you need too that's what we are on here for.

My results were discussed with the consultant at the hospital, so I expect yours will be too.

You could always ask them when you are next there, they don't give results out over the phone at my clinic.

Let me know how you get on x

E81hopefull profile image
E81hopefull in reply to

Thank you so much for ur help. I think I will give them a call tomorrow and ask if I need to book the rubella injection with GP to be on safe side x

in reply to E81hopefull

That's ok.

They may not tell you over the phone though as they don't like having to give results out over the phone.

I didn't even think the levels could drop!

If you need 2, they need to be a month apart and then a month to have the blood test done again.

If you are that worried, you could perhaps book them up and cancel them if they are ok when you see them next x

E81hopefull profile image
E81hopefull in reply to

Wished I had known that earlier it is silly they leave that out till the last minute I thought I would be starting injections soon but looks like it will probably be delayed until its sorted. I had to phone up and get my amh results which annoyed me cause i dont think they would of told me anything so they might tell me if I phone its worth trying anyway. If I don't get any answers I will do what u suggested and book with GP

Thanks again uve been really helpful x

in reply to E81hopefull

Your right they should of mentioned it at the beginning.

I've only got until April as I'm at the top end of the age scale so time isn't on my side but at least by making sure your levels are high enough - it protects any babies that you are going to have.

Yes, give them a call tomorrow and ask, your clinic may be different to mine. The consultant had to ring me regarding my AMH test as they wouldn't give it to me when I rang (what's the difference its still a conversation but a different person making the call)!!

Good luck with it all and if you need any other advice then send me a message.

As your name says - stay hopefull x

E81hopefull profile image
E81hopefull in reply to

Thank you and goodluck with your journey too wishing you the best of luck x

mstov88 profile image
mstov88 in reply to E81hopefull

Hi E81hopefull, yes I would just agree with Distinction72's advice! I do remember that I had to pay for a separate rubella blood test and I didn't find out until the last minute too. I was told I might need 2 rubella jabs with my GP but after the first they tested me again and I had immunity so I didn't need the second, so fingers crossed you could only be delayed a month. x

E81hopefull profile image
E81hopefull in reply to mstov88

Hi mstov88, thanks for ur reply I phoned clinic today they said I've definitely had the test for rubella and if they need to they will be in touch they didn't give me any results though so I guess I will have to wait and see 😞 x

in reply to E81hopefull

Good luck with that, results are normally about 4 days I believe x

Filmgirl101 profile image

I had the same trouble. Except for some reason it didn't take and by the time I was pregnant my blood test for antibodies read nil! I had a jab in hospital after she was born and booster. When I went for IVF again 18 months later it read nil again! Right pain my body is! Hates drugs, immunisation, and loads of allergies... bodies.

in reply to Filmgirl101

I can't understand why it would read nil if you had the booster? At my clinic they won't perform the treatment unless it does. That's a bit of a worry but will try and hope that it does take!

Good luck with your next attempt.

Filmgirl101 profile image
Filmgirl101 in reply to

Means I'm not immune to Rubella. Bit scary as I live in a high antivax area! I've had chicken pox 3 times and shingles too... that's why I rely on every one to get vaccinated. To protect me and any unborn child I carry.

in reply to Filmgirl101

But I thought that if you had the immunisation then you would be ok. At my clinic, they won't treat you unless your levels are high enough as that can cause a risk to the baby. That would concern me I think, if I thought there was some form of risk but I'm probably older than you so maybe there is greater a risk as an older mum 43.

mstov88 profile image
mstov88 in reply to

I was told by my GP that a very small number of people just can't develop immunity no matter how many immunisation jabs they have....

in reply to mstov88

When I went to see the nurse on Monday for my blood test, I explained that my next appointment was with the nurse next week and she said that as long as I can show I've had 2 jabs that should be ok.

I hope I'm not one of the small minority as they won't treat me!! x

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