ive seen my consultant today she advised im starting on a long protocol ive got my info session on 17th anyone else starting soon? could someone tell me the difference between long and short? xx
anyone starting long protocol soon? - Fertility Network UK
anyone starting long protocol soon?

I started long two weeks ago today.
I'm not to sure about long or short but I think long is more intense with medication. Xx
Hi, I just had a look at your profile and noticed that you are down in Coventry. I just went there yesterday for the uterine High Natural Killer Cells Test and got to meet Professor Quenby and some of the nurses. They have been really lovely, helpful & empathetic! Great clinic!
I am starting my 2. IVF long protocol end of this month with the Prostap injection. Basically on the long protocol you get down regulated (in my case with prostap) for 3 weeks, then I get a scan to check that everything is shut down and that my lining is nice and thin. If all is well then 2 days later I start stimulating the ovaries with Gonal F & Luveris, last time it was for 9 days I think.
Hope your cycle will go well xx
I am also starting long protocol in mid July , got nasal spray buresaline for three weeks then waiting for periods during that down regulation, afterwards a scan to check lining thin, then start of tablets for two weeks and finally FET. Got medicine with letter of instructions.
I am doing long protocol. EC was done yesterday and transfer will be on Sunday 😊 long protocol is where they shut your ovary down (down regulation)