Hi ladies. I am very new to this but I have been reading some posts over the last few weeks and am ready to start opening up and telling someone my story as your all so supportive.
my husband and I have been together for 11 years married for 6. we havent used contraception since after about a year of being together but I never seemed to fall pregnant, just carried on enjoying life. we have been actively trying for a baby for the past 5 years. I have had operations to investigate if there are any problems and there is absolutely nothing wrong with both my husband and I. I find this even more frustrating as I dont have an answer to the question 'why am I not getting pregnant' ? I was put on 6 months worth of clomid and on the 7th month I fell pregnant. all my dreams had come true the day I did the test. I didn't know I was pregnant as I had what I thought was a period but it was an implantation bleed, I was so over the moon as the following week we were booked in to see our specialist about starting ivf as we had had funding for 2 cycles but now I disnt need this.i went for a private scan and I was 6 weeks pregnant,seeing our baby's little heartbeat was the best day of my life but then 4 weeks later on halloween of all the days I had a bleed. I was so scared and went for a scan that same day to be told there was no heartbeat. I had had a missed misscarriage and the baby had stopped growing around 8 weeks 6 days. my world ended on that very day.i felt crushed and heart broken but my amazing husband and family got me through it all.
I haven't got pregnant again since then and I am now 31 so feel like I am running out of time and I am so so so desperate to be a mum.
we are now back at the specialist and we are all ready to start ivf next month. I wanted to tell you all my story so that I can chat to you all over the next few months and you can help me along the way. it also just feels good to tell someone!!! xx