Can constipation cause embryo transfe... - Fertility Network UK

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Can constipation cause embryo transfer loss?

Music1 profile image
17 Replies

I had an embryo transfer yesterday - our only embryo remaining, and I've had terrible stomach cramps and constipation. This evening I went to the bathroom and although I passed some small stools (and also what looks like the cyclogest I've been using) by straining I had brown blood and a small string like thread of blood attached. Is it possible I may have lost my little one after coming this far? I'm going to try a small amount of lactulose this evening but I'm worried I may have lost my little one already? Please can someone advise. I really should have asked before I left the clinic.

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17 Replies

Hello lovely. I two was worried about this. And did ask the clinic and they said no the embyro won't just fall out. Cause that's what I thought. Ha ha. So don't worry about that if you can. I know its hard. Brown blood is old blood so that's fine. But you did not mention what colour the string not was. I would ring and speak to the nurse at your clinic. Just to inform them and to reassure you also. Try to relax sweetie. Take care. And look after yourself. Lots of love. ️Xx

Music1 profile image
Music1 in reply to

Piglet12 Bless you. I was so worried last night. I wouldn't let my partner take his hand off my tummy and I cried myself eventually to sleep. It was all dark blood - I didn't know the difference so thank you for your reply and explaining. I can relax now, but at the time I thought 'one moment of stupidity from my part has ruined everything'. Thank you so much for your and Diane's reply. I cannot tell you how greatful I am. Many thanks. x

Music1 profile image
Music1 in reply to

Thanks for all your support. I felt so much more positive after this and despite everything I had a negative pregnancy test this morning - day 14. I can't begin to tell you all how difficult I am finding this. I've been over every possible reason in my head - getting stressed on day 1 - as I had to drive myself home after egg transfer (my partner was worried about taking time off work), drinking half a starbucks coffee, going to Tesco day 3 to get Pregnacare tablets as I only had simple folic acid tablets left- I only walked in from the carpark and back out. I don't know what I've done or what I could have done different. My other half says there is no point in thinking about it and asking what ifs. However, if you can't learn from something how can you prevent the same thing happening again - if the clinic will give me a next time. This was our 'miracle embryo' as I've been told I'm going through ovarian failure and early menopause. Any ideas from anyone. Aside from my original post above I had NO bleeding and just mild cramping on odd occassions which I thought was a good thing. I don't understand.

I have to wait a further week before I can see the clinic and find out what's next. I don't suppose they'll have any answers. I'm just gutted that I was told "if it works you can come back on Tuesday and hear a little heartbeat". Instead I'm going back a week later than this with nothing but upset and confusion. I was so hoping I could post something more positive and give others hope.

Thank you for all your support and keeping me going. Wishing everyone else every possible ounce of luck xxx

in reply to Music1

I'm so sorry sweetie. Really am. Just take time for you and work through this. Do lovely stuff for you candle lit bath with bubble etc. eat good food. And please please don't think it's something you did or didn't do. Because its nothing at all you have done wrong sweetie. It's just a horrible thing to have happened. Will be thinking of you. Here if you need to chat. ️Xxx

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi Music1.You poor love! One of the worst things you can suffer from! However, I think that your safest bet is to try something like “Fybogel” which is a bulking agent for constipation, and will soften your stools, so that they are easier to pass. If you do get “bunged up”, and you prefer something in liquid form, then “Lactulose” would be your safest best or "Senokot" if you prefer a tablet. If all else fails, you will have to see your GP. Please also note that constipation will not affect your embryo from implanting. Try not to worry about the Cyclogest popping out, as the progesterone in it is absorbed really quickly 20-30 minutes from inserting. As Piglet says – brown blood is old blood, so do try and not worry too much – easier said than done I know, but I do wish well for a successful result. Diane

Music1 profile image
Music1 in reply to DianeArnold

Diane, thank you so much. You've been a God send and I'm so greatful for HealthUnlocked and everyone like Piglet who takes the time to share their experiences etc. It's been such a long hard journey and losing my mum in the middle of things just means I don't really have anyone else I can share with or ask. Yesterday I cried myself to sleep eventually thinking it was all over before it started. I didn't know Cyclogest absorbed in the blood stream after 20-30 minutes. I wasn't sure whether I should replace them after etc - thank you for explaining this and for explaining about the brown blood etc. When I left the clinic I was on cloud 9 and so excited I didn't ask anything. Thank you both for your reply. I am so greatful for your replys. Will keep you posted. I can see why they call it a difficult 2ww. Kind regards. You're such lovely people. x

Music1 profile image
Music1 in reply to DianeArnold

Thanks for all your support. I felt so much more positive after this and despite everything I had a negative pregnancy test this morning - day 14. I can't begin to tell you all how difficult I am finding this. I've been over every possible reason in my head - getting stressed on day 1 - as I had to drive myself home after egg transfer (my partner was worried about taking time off work), drinking half a starbucks coffee, going to Tesco day 3 to get Pregnacare tablets as I only had simple folic acid tablets left- I only walked in from the carpark and back out. I don't know what I've done or what I could have done different. My other half says there is no point in thinking about it and asking what ifs. However, if you can't learn from something how can you prevent the same thing happening again - if the clinic will give me a next time. This was our 'miracle embryo' as I've been told I'm going through ovarian failure and early menopause. Any ideas from anyone. Aside from my original post above I had NO bleeding and just mild cramping on odd occassions which I thought was a good thing. I don't understand.

I have to wait a further week before I can see the clinic and find out what's next. I don't suppose they'll have any answers. I'm just gutted that I was told "if it works you can come back on Tuesday and hear a little heartbeat". Instead I'm going back a week later than this with nothing but upset and confusion. I was so hoping I could post something more positive and give others hope.

Thank you for all your support and keeping me going. Wishing everyone else every possible ounce of luck xxx

Hopeful1982 profile image
Hopeful1982 in reply to Music1

Music1, I am so sorry to hear this. You've been through a terrible ordeal with the grief of losing your mum whilst also dealing with infertility and IVF. I am quite sure that nothing you did caused the negative test result. Unfortunately it seems to be "one of those things" although I appreciate that gives you no comfort. Have you been to see a counsellor? It can really help to speak to someone.

Take care and be kind to yourself x

WeeMrsH profile image
WeeMrsH in reply to Music1

I'm so sorry this didn't work out for you honey :( please please know this was not your fault and nothing you did or did not do could change it. Not driving, not half a cup of coffee. Please don't blame yourself. Gather your strength and you will pick yourself back up. Don't give yourself a hard time. Take care xxx

DianeArnold profile image
DianeArnoldPartnerNurseFertility Network UK

Hi Music1. So sorry to hear of the sad loss of your Mum during all of this, which must have been the most painful experience ever for you. It will hurt like mad for some time, but she would want you to remain strong. HUGE HUG from all of us! Diane

Katrina13 profile image

I had constipation throughout my IVF and worried constantly about straining causing a problem. In the end I reassured myself that our bodies are designed to be able to handle pregnancy and pooing at the same time! Also as other people have commented, the embryos cannot just fall out.

As a long time sufferer of IBS I really find the best way to 'get the damn rogue poos out' is through deep breathing. Don't laugh but I call it 'poo meditation'. Literally, sit on the loo, sit upright, with your toes on the floor and your heels lifted (which makes your colon more perpendicular to the ground so that gravity can help) then take very slow deep inward breathes, then out slowly. I count slowly to 5 for each breath in and then 5 for the out breath. Do that a few times and I find it works 1000x better than straining. Things just tend to start moving on their own.

Worth a try before you hit the medication perhaps. Good luck xxx

Music1 profile image
Music1 in reply to Katrina13


Sorry, I did laugh after I read your post. Trust me, it was a very different story and lots of tears last night though. I will try absolutely anything and I will take your advice. I wish I could stop worrying and get on with things but you'll appreciate it's been a long journey. I will try your meditation soon. Many thanks. x

Katrina13 profile image
Katrina13 in reply to Music1

Just hang in there and take it day as it comes, it's all you can do. I was in this process for more than 3 years and had repeated surgeries and IVF, so I know the waiting then bad news then wait again cycle is hugely draining. Put faith in yourself and know that you will get through it. You don't need to know how, just that you will.

And LAUGH when you can! My husband once commented on how long I spend in the loo and I said "ok, well how long do you think it would take you to squeeze 10 ferrero rocher through a 10 meter hosepipe, smart arse?".

Music1 profile image
Music1 in reply to Katrina13

Thanks for all your support. I felt so much more positive after this and despite everything I had a negative pregnancy test this morning - day 14. I can't begin to tell you all how difficult I am finding this. I've been over every possible reason in my head - getting stressed on day 1 - as I had to drive myself home after egg transfer (my partner was worried about taking time off work), drinking half a starbucks coffee, going to Tesco day 3 to get Pregnacare tablets as I only had simple folic acid tablets left- I only walked in from the carpark and back out. I don't know what I've done or what I could have done different. My other half says there is no point in thinking about it and asking what ifs. However, if you can't learn from something how can you prevent the same thing happening again - if the clinic will give me a next time. This was our 'miracle embryo' as I've been told I'm going through ovarian failure and early menopause. Any ideas from anyone. Aside from my original post above I had NO bleeding and just mild cramping on odd occassions which I thought was a good thing. I don't understand.

I have to wait a further week before I can see the clinic and find out what's next. I don't suppose they'll have any answers. I'm just gutted that I was told "if it works you can come back on Tuesday and hear a little heartbeat". Instead I'm going back a week later than this with nothing but upset and confusion. I was so hoping I could post something more positive and give others hope.

Thank you for all your support and keeping me going. Wishing everyone else every possible ounce of luck xxx

Katrina13 profile image
Katrina13 in reply to Music1

Oh my dear I'm so so sorry. I've been there so I do know how it feels. If it's any consolation my consultant told me that absolutely nothing that I did or didn't do affected the outcome, it was 99% likely that the embryo just wasnt chromosonally viable. Sometimes we just have to accept that we have limited control and sometimes things happen and we may never known why. Thinking of you. X

WeeMrsH profile image

look after yourself Music1, hope you're feeling better today xxx

Music1 profile image
Music1 in reply to WeeMrsH

Hi WeeMrsH

I am feeling a lot better today and lot more assured. I need to stop being so worried about things, However, like everyone else it means so much to me.

Thank you for your kind words. x

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