Hi there,
I must admit it's taken me a while to pluck up the courage to join one of these sites... So here's my story.
I'm 28, married. ttc for 21months. Prev miscarriage 10yrs ago at 9 weeks!
In May this year, we decided to go and get ourselves checked out. My husband had a sperm test, which came back within normal ranges. My 21 day prog bloods- not ovulating.
Referred to fertility clinic at our local hospital. Repeated 21 day prog- no ovulation.
HSG Sept 2014- tubes clear, but diagnosed with sup-septate uterus (May cause miscarriage, pre-term birth, baby may be breech). I was worried about this, as I never presumed I had problems with my uterus, as I had cysts before leading to hospital admission and nothing was ever picked up. They reassured me that when we fall, I will be scanned possibly monthly throughout, and have consultant led care due the risks. I also have a heart condition, and I have a cardiologist, who has recently stopped my beta blockers due to the risk to the potential foetus.
Consultant keen for me to wait 3 months following HSG, as stated 10% increased chance of natural pregnancy following HSg. (But I'm
Not ovulating, so wasn't hopeful!! She even stated to me that she thought we would be pregnant by December!)
We tried naturally for 2 months, then I got transferred to a new consultant. I rang him, as I stated I was concerned about hot flushes I had been having for several months, he said nothing to worry about at the moment (of course the 1st thing I thought- early menopause). Anyway I thought no harm In asking if I can start clomid in dec rather than January. He agreed.
1st round of clomid, start of dec. days 2-6 50mg. Follicle scan today- no follicles, also PCOS on left ovary. I broke down when I walked out, as I feel it's one thing after another each time I visit the hospital. He's going to do day 21 bloods, and decide whether or not to increase the dose, as the bloods will confirm definitely if I haven't ovulated.
Sorry for the long essay, but felt I needed to explain the whole story. It's such an emotional roller coaster, and not many people understand the journey! Hope other people can share thier stories, and maybe give me some hope & strength to stay focused.
Kee Kee