Has anyone gone on to concieve naturally after 1 successful ivf if there hubby has low sperm count or any tips to help improve this as doing ivf a second time is so costly ???
Natural conception??: Has anyone gone... - Fertility Network UK
Natural conception??

My hubby has slightly raised abnormal sperm..I was told by our nurse sperm can be improved by making a few lifestyle changes.. Giving up smoking ( my hubby dosent smoke)..cutting down on booze(he don't drink either)..eating a good balanced diet.. Exercise regularly..take good supplements..I put my husband on wellman cinception as it's got all the vitamins he needs in one pill lol!.. Avoid getting stressed if he can..wear loose pants..take a shower instead of bath..as these can have an effect on the testicles.. Try these and see if it helps.. Sperm takes an average of 3 months to make..it's not an overnight solution I'm afraid..but in the long run could really help..
As for ivf tell me about it!! We can't get nhs funding as I've gotta son from a previous relationship..I'm doing an egg share ivf to pay for our treatment.. I share half my eggs to another women and get free ivf treatment .. It's not for everyone..if you're under 35 you could be eligible.. If you have any questions on it feel free to ask me.. With my low amh and small ovary ..ivf is def the way forward for us!!
Congratulations on your successful ivf too nice to hear.,
Good luck hunni I wish you all the best with it
X x x

So how do u find out about that I would do that as I dint find the egg bit any trouble an would love to help someone else have a chance an save myself a few thousand on the way???
I think it's a win win really I think it's a beautiful thing to be able to help another women out..
So from a practical point of view go to HFEA site these are the authority who regulate private clinics..it's hfea.gov.uk/ then underneath it's quotes choose a fertility clinic.. Click on it..you then enter your post code and you have the option of choosing the distance from your post code.. If you scroll down where it states show more search options click on it..bottom right colum says donor recruitment.. Bottom says egg sharing..clinic on it..and then click on search for clinics.. Voila!! Regarding payments can vary throughout clinics..some charge for consultation etc..best asking around. ..lots of clinics ofter free open evenings.. You can ask the questions you need too and gives you a chance to view the clinic im at lister and the only thing they charge for is hfea linense fee £75 husbands screening blood tests and Icsi £770 instead if a whooping £1390 based on last results hubby will need that..
I hope you find that info helpful.. If you need to know anything else or just fancy a chat I'm here..
Good luck hunni I hope it all goes well
X x x
My friend conceived naturally despite her hubby's low sperm count. She wasn't entitled to IVF so the doctor offered her some medication. She never needed to take them as she conceived while waiting for the doctor to get back to her. I wonder if if was just the relief of being offered medication that helped them relax and conceive. Good luck Rachael