I just wanted to share this to give hope to everyone as miracles do happen, I know when i started my ivf journey reading success stories helped-
Originally we tried for 18 months to conceive naturally but nothing, i then went down the ivf line with the nhs and the first time it didn’t work when then said on paper everything went fine and no reason why it didnt work and said if i go again they wouldnt change anything i started to look around at private clinics. I found an amazing hospital and consultant who immediately saw i had a couple of polyps and adhesions and said having these i never stood a chance of the ivf working , so a couple of months later i had the operation to remove these, in the operation the consultant also confirmed i had blocked fallopian tubes ( both ) he tried to unblock them but couldn’t so i still had to go through another set of ivf which thankfully worked this time and gave me my beautiful baby girl. 30 months on from that and im about to have another baby girl which was conceived naturally, i had read articles where after birth some women are able to then conceive naturally after a ivf baby and its true - never give up hope even at the hardest times .