We had 6 eggs, 3 were ok for fertilising but only one is fine for transfer tomorrow. I'm trying really hard to stay positive, you only need one, but it's really hard. This is the end of our journey to be a family. Feel gutted.
Only one egg to transfer: We had 6 eggs... - Fertility Network UK
Only one egg to transfer

Stay positive! This may well be the start of your journey to becoming a family
Like you say, you only need one, so stay positive and keep hopeful. Try to relax and enjoy the sunshine this weekend as best you can xx
Good luck Hun. Deep breaths & positive thoughts. Sprinkling some baby dust for you. Xx
Good luck x
Make sure you rest and relax and I'd advise to take 2 weeks off work to really relax. Take it easy on yourself. Good luck and I'll sprinkle baby dust over you xxx
Try to be positive. It's easier said than done and my husband will tell you I can be the most negative person (a lot of the time!) and I tried to see my thought process as realistic but it's natural to expect the worst.
You have one embryo to transfer. Give it all your positive energy and be kind to yourself. Try to relax after transfer and eat nice safe things.
It worked for us with just one. It can work for you.
Sending you lots of positive energy xxx
Hey pumpkin, don't be sad be really happy you've got this far and have one beautiful fighter of an embryo ready for transfer! We were exactly the same only one and none to freeze but I'm now over 15 weeks pregnant. We were a firm believer all the way through that our little embryo had been waiting in the sidelines all these years waiting for a chance to be born ! It really only does take one hun xxxxx good luck ! X
I had one put bk on day 2 of fertilisation and my daughter is 20mths now just rest relax and remain positive xx Good luck xx
Fingers crossed for you pumpkun just try stay positive x
I am new to all this and have my first ivf appointment in a few can , can anyone please advise me , when you go through ivf your first time does this produce all the eggs that you have and this is the reason for freezing them? Or can you go through ivf a lot of times and produce eggs ever time? Havent had my appointment to go over all this i feel slightly daft but unsure xx
Stay positive, because lots of people seem to get a BFP from their 1st go so it can happen! Weemex, you will have your 1st fresh cycle and they will try to get as many eggs as possible, you may be able to freeze some. If not you can in theory go for more fresh cycles after this (obviously other things like money come into play!) but many people have more than 1 fresh cycle. xxx
Thank you everyone for your kind words and support. Blown away by it. That's the best thing about this website, everyone understands who it feels. We have had a slight change of plan today. We have one embryo frozen from last year so they are going to thaw it out and fingers crossed we will have 2 embryos put back on Monday. They will both be day 4 too. This is our last chance as they basically said today that my eggs are now no good. Thank you all so much again.
We had 12 fertilised but only two to transfer, am 25 weeks pregnant on our first try. I also had acupuncture for years and had it day of transfer and am having it all way through now..best of luck and do try to be positive!! Xxx
I am not looking forward to any of what's to come. Didn't realise I would have to go through this its such hard journey to go through such a hard thing to keep to yourself nobody else knows is only myself and my partner. I will start mine end of next month. Where have u had yours I am Coventry !
Whatever happens happens for a reason take care and good luck
Yes belle-7-. It's a just stressful time unfortunately. Loads of hurdles to get over. It is hard to deal with this when no-one knows or understands what you are going through. That's why websites like this are brilliant. Also I had one colleague at work that I could trust which helped alot. We went to Manchester. I used to live in nuneaton near Coventry lol. Good luck with your cycle. Fingers crossed you only need to do it once. X
We only had 1 egg on our last IVF attempt. As in 1 follicle, 1 egg. It was my worst response to drugs, etc. imagine our surprise when that 1 little egg developed into our little girl. Stay positive. You're not on an easy road.
Please dont feel down. This was exactly the same position I was in, on my very last go. I know its hard to stay positive, but try. Ask tomorrow what you can/cant do for next two weeks, lifting , baby aspirin etc then try and relax as much as possible. I had an emergency tooth removal on the day of my embryo transfer, was worried the pain relief from that might have ruined my last chance ever. Only one was transferred and luckily 2 weeks later I got a positive result and 16 years later I have my beautiful daughter. You can only try your hardest, sometimes it is simply down to fate. I wish you all the luck in the world, and as you say, it only takes one xxxx
I had 19 eggs to start with with only 4 left on day 5 they put one in and now I have my baby girl it only takes one xx stay positive
I only had 1 follicle! One egg that turned into a fantastic little girl. I have EC on Monday and despite 600 gonal f only 1 proper sized follicle again... Hoping for an egg that turns into a friend for my little one.
We saved so hard to do our last go. Very difficult. We didn't think we'd get the money together to pay for this last one. Especially as we had to purchase 8 boxes of gonal f! To say we lived on baked beans and anything on special offer is an understatement. Also, no alcohol of any kind, no cigarettes, and free dates (parks and museums) for the last 2.5 years! Only free view TV, old mobile phones with sim only plans, packed lunches for work, etc. We don't feel we missed out, because we wanted to have closure in the family department. Good luck to you. And don't be down on yourself for only having 1 egg to transfer. Your body did really well.