Been told ivf is the next step feeling scared as I dont like needles and pain especially if I am inflicting it on myself. Can somebody who have done the injections and tests please help .
Can somebody shed some light - Fertility Network UK
Can somebody shed some light
Apart from the retrival itself (for which you are given painkillers), I didn't find IVF painful. There are a number of different protocols that you could be put on, depending on the medcal reason for treatment you will be put on one of these. The shortest protocol takes about 2 weeks, with 1-2 injections daily. I got my partner to do my injections so that I could share the stress.
If IVf is the next sstep, there shouldn't be any more tests though!
Good luck
I was diagnosed with pcos about ten years ago. My first consultation is feb providing I can get my bmi down.
Hello, I have done the long Protocol witch is two injections one in my bum one in my belly, I hate needles and always get upset when having one BUT all that been scared just left it's like I switched off it felt different than a blood test my OH did the one in the bum and he was more scared than me I now only have 4 weeks of injections left then I will be 12 weeks pregnant... Good luck you will be fine x
Hiya, you will be fine. The IVF procedure is not as bad as it sounds from a physical point of view. My husband actually administered the injections but I know people who did it themselves and said it was ok. The drug that shuts down your natural ovulation can make you feel really irritable and emotional as it's essentially simulating the menopause.... and that's not nice. I found all the clinic procedures fine, though my second clinic didn't knock me out for egg collection. So that wasn't the most comfortable. But a lot if clinics give u full anesthetic.... which I preferred. I would say though.... I'll be honest, IVF is incredibly difficult on an emotional level. So tool yourself up with a diary, relaxation CD and a gentle exercise pattern. And talk,,talk, talk.... preferably with your partner or even one close friend or family member. We got there in the end, after 4 arduous IVF cycles. And now have the most beautiful little girl, aged 2. Very best of luck to you. Be brave. Xxx
Thank you very much. I have read so much but have not managed to talk to anyone that have been through ivf. Congratulations on your daughter. I will take your advice. Thanks again
Hi. I found the injections were fine. I used a hot water bottle first on the tummy or thigh which ever I was injecting that day. Helped the needle go in. I found the emotional side of ivf the hardest. Take every step as it comes and deal with one thing at a time .the egg retrieval was fine as I was knocked out. We are going for it again in March next year. Good luck.