Anyone have experience of baby measuring small? I’m having 2 weekly growth scans, and she’s dropped down in centiles. The consultant has kind of freaked me out! Blood flow and fluid is all perfect. She’s moving though I can’t feel too much and heart rate is spot on. Midwives on AAU don’t seem concerned. I now have twice weekly CTGs and 2 weekly growth scans.
Baby measuring small in 1.6 centile - Fertility Network...
Baby measuring small in 1.6 centile

Hi, it's great that you are having regular growth scans now that are aware of your baby's growth.
My consultant said there is a 10% margin of error with the scan measurements. However that would still leave you below 5th percentile. I'm sorry I don't have good advice.
Find out what your options are re. growth restriction in your baby.
Maybe get a second opinion and have a private growth scan? Keep us posted x
hmm, what are the actual measurements? What’s her weight? Let me know what week you are and I will look at my scans and see if we find similarities. Don’t worry I was told I will most likely get preeclampsia and have been on medication for it ever since 12 weeks… baby is due in 2 weeks and I feel just fine they have asked me to stop. I think they like to scare us.
I am 33 weeks yesterday according to dating scan, but 33 weeks tomorrow according to my IVF dates.
2 Sep they said 39.8 centile, 18 Sep 15.4 centile, 9 Oct 3.8 centile and 23 Oct 1.6 centile.
She’s gone from 1.292kg to 1.559kg (3.5lbs) in 2 weeks. So just over 1/2 pound in 2 weeks. I hate this centile thing.
All measurements of umbilical flow and fluid have been normal.
I’ve been on BP meds for years. They just upped me from 3 to 4 tablets a day and my BP is usually text book when I go for appts.
Could she have a growth spurt as the weeks go by? I am looking through my file too. I don’t think they shouldn’t have worried you without providing some reassurance . Is your pressure tablets related to baby’s growth? Will upping the meds help? It’s a good sign the AF and the blood flow is normal. It’s one worry after the after for us isn’t it! Someone in my office is 8 weeks pregnant and she is telling everyone like it’s a given she will have a healthy baby. I was quiet until week 28 when the bump was becoming evident. Just hang in there. All babies are different as you know there is a chance she will just grow as the weeks go by.
It would have helped if I’d seen my consultant. I’m really hoping she’s grown at the scan today. I am feeling more movements the past few days though. Also googling she is fully formed now and should have just lots of growth over the next few weeks so 🙏🏼 apparently the blood pressure MEDS don’t affect anything it’s if I have high blood pressure, which I haven’t. I am on the maximum dose of my med though.
I am sick of hearing comments like this is what it’s like having a baby from people who just had regular normal pregnancies without any previous loss or complications.
Good luck at the scan. Let us know how you get on.
The consultant was amazing! Totally reassured me and said others may have worried me but as long as she’s putting on 200g min between scans and placenta is ok then she’s not worried. Now have weekly scans and will only go to 37 weeks.
This sounds about right. Fantastic news. Really pleased she was able to give you the assurance you needed… now eat well drink water and relax!!!
Hi Doodlebug,
I am experiencing a similar issue that started around 33 weeks I am now 35 weeks also having two week growth scans.
I have been a bit more relaxed about this as I feel baby being very active regularly but of course it is concerning.
Be careful about getting scans done at different places as the calculations are done on estimates and so consistency is important for accuracy. It might lead to more worry rather than reassurance if you get too focused on different figures if not done at the same place.
Apparently as long as they are in the range even if on the smaller side this is OK. My next check is on Wednesday so hoping for some improvement. However, my doctors have not been concerned and I have had two opinions now with everything else on a stronger range like length, heart rate etc so trying to stay positive.
One of the things my doctor mentioned is that it is most likely genetic as my partner and I were on the lower end of the scale based on our birth weights so that might be worth checking.
Hope your little one puts on some more weight and your appointment on Monday provides reassurance.
Thankyou for replying! It’s very reassuring to read others experiences. I have another scan today so 5 days after the last one. Also have another booked for 2 days after but thinking this is an admin error. All scans are NHS so at the same place. I would have felt much better if I’d been able to see my own consultant. Hoping she’s grown at the scan today 🙏🏼. She was measuring 3.5lbs, and I’ve got it in my head if she’s closer to 5lbs I’ll be much happier. All other tests/measurements are coming back good. Nobody has actually said she’s on the chart so it’s ok 😢
Hey, hope all is well and that your scan goes well. Remember there's a margin of error, they are not 100% correct x
Thankyou. Wish I’d not got to wait all day. Just hope she’s grown. It’ll really give me some reassurance if she as even if they say she’s still vv small x
Small is still okay. She might need NICU. She is otherwise healthy, you said with the other checks. Hopefully there has been some growth from your last scan. What you don't want is for your little girl to stop growing. Thinking of you 💞💞
My son measured small throughout my whole pregnancy and I was always so worried about it, when he was born he was in the 17th percentile, then he dropped to the 2nd at 5 weeks old… he’s now back up to the 17th & doing really well 💙 The week before he was born they told me he weighed approx 7.5lb, he was 6lb6lb - I think it’s really hard to get accurate measurements in the latter weeks of pregnancy xx