hello! So it’s been confirmed today that I will be having a c section as my placenta is covering my cervix. I knew it was a possibility but now I know that it’s the reality I’m really worried! I’m more worried for my baby than the actual procedure as I’ll be 37+4 when he’s born. Does anyone have any experience having an early c section and any tips on how to prepare? Thank you!
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C-Section Fears!!

I’ve just had an elective c section at 39 weeks, so slightly later than you and it was a really positive experience. My first came at 28 weeks by emergency c section due to being breech and having a planned one was loads better. I’m now day 6, baby boy is perfect and I’m on my feet and doing things, albeit slowly. Best of luck with everything xx
Thank you! Congratulations!! I’m also having a boy 🥰 Did they tell you not to do certain things for 6 weeks whilst you heal or are you okay to do things if you feel up to it? My SIL had an emergency c section and the doctors told her she couldn’t do anything other than hold the baby for 6 weeks but I’m not sure if that’s because it was an emergency section xxx
there’s a couple of weeks recovery. Usually it’s don’t drive for 6 weeks but this is due to insurance not capability xxx
I have a very energetic 3 year old who still requires my attention! It’s been a week so far and I’m feeling okay and even went for a short walk today. You will feel sore and you do have to be mindful of the fact you’ve had major surgery but the body is an amazing thing! I’ve been more mobile this time after the planned section rather than the emergency. Saying that, my boy was in NICU for 9 weeks so I had to keep going last time too. I didn’t drive for 4 weeks last time, Dr and ins company said I needed to be able to perform an emergency stop before driving.
I had my twins via planned c-section due to having grade four placenta previa and my second baby was breech. It was actually a lovely experience, really special birth. Babies arrived at 37 weeks on the dot and were perfectly healthy xx
6 weeks is what they used to tell people years ago when the incisions were bigger. These days you’re often back to normal after 2 or so. Possibly with second C sections it’s longer, at least in friends’ experiences, and emergency is probably different-the 2 emergency sections in my NCT group had rougher recoveries. I was a planned section and driving at 2 weeks, no issues. The first 2 days home are hard, not going to lie, but my slipped disc years ago was way way worse. Honestly after those first 3 days you’ll wonder what you were worried about. Xx
I am almost 5 weeks post section, recovery has been ok, after 2 weeks I felt so much better, I think just be aware for the first week you will need a bit of help definitely but with everything being planned there is a lot you can do beforehand to help your recovery period xx
Hi lovely, I had a planned section and all was a positive experience and so relaxed. I just made sure I didn’t overdo it and took things at my pace. Any offers of help take it. It can be a rollercoaster of emotions at the start which is totally normal. The best tip I can give is get peppermint tea. They were giving it out on my ward and I now know why. As I said my healing went well but for me the trapped wind was something else. That caused me a lot of pain so should have carried on with the peppermint. Every lady will differ and you may escape that. Enjoy every minute of meeting your bundle of joy it’s just the ever xxx
I had an emergency c section at 38+5 week when induced labor did not progress as planned in Jan this year. I was mobile by day 2. Cooking regular food by 3 weeks. At 6 weeks I am completely recovered. Since yours is planned it should be easier. I did not plan for the help in the first 2 weeks, but was still able to manage with just the help from my husband.
I koved ny section and have asked for another one for that reason. Very relaxed, good medication and recovery was fine. I had my first during covid and i was carrying the car seat/baby and suitcase leaving the hospital. My husband wasn't aloud back in after he left and had to meet him at the door.
I wasn't sore but did know when i had done too much. I yhought i could go a 5 min walk with the pram a few days after and literally got to the end of the street and had to turn back. Yes there is things you can't do to begin with but your body heals quickly. All the best if luck.
I didn’t have an early c section Ziggy but I did have an emergency c section. To be honest I completely understand the concern as I was supposed to have a home birth and nothing was more intervened than my birth. But in the end it’s the safest route for the baby that counts. In hindsight I’d have much rather had a planned c section. I would have been a lot better prepared going in. You can have your music on too. Your baby is ivf so there’s no worry about the baby not being at term. You could also opt for a gentle c section where the baby attempts to crawl out. You’ll be very well taken care of, and whilst it’s quite scary I can promise you it’s a much better experience than an induction that never gets off the ground (as in my case). Maybe try some of the hypnobirthing as a way to relax during the process.
Hi there,
lots of great advice from the group so far. I was a section at 37+3. First week was hard and after that things started improving. Everyone is definitely different as I took a bit longer to recover. I was definitely not fully back to normal by 6 weeks but normal for me involves long ish dog walks etc so everyone’s different. Also, be careful about driving before 6 weeks as some car insurance doesn’t cover you during this time. Best to check with your provider. However baby comes, it’s amazing and you will figure out the rest as you go.x One tip I would recommend is disposable Incontinance underwear for the first week as the (normal) heavy bleeding was something I wasn’t expecting to start with ( the joys🤣).
37 weeks is great, it is usually classed as full term. C sections aren’t all bad, just take things easy and nice and slow.
My only advice (that no one told me) is to support your scar if you cough, sneeze etc as it’s probably the most painful part.
You will still be able to everything with your baby boy, you’ll just get time off housework. I found that with section it slowed me down and I was able to spend more time with the baby. Go at your own pace and you will be fine xxx
Great advice already. My top tip is Granny pants. I had what I thought were big pants, but they sat right on the wound and I ended up borrowing my mum's underwear 🤦♀️ so, right up to your belly button!!Not long now, good luck xxx
I had my little girl at 37 weeks. She weighed 5lbs 10oz and was perfect x they won’t do if they think it’s too small. You are technically full term at 37 weeks xx