I’m booked for an elective C Section at end of week 39. Now on week 38. I’m having second thoughts about the C Section, particularly what happens if the baby comes early - either water break or contractions start. I’d always thought I’d then ask for an emergency C section (my consultant has approved this). But I’ve had a couple of discouraging experiences of the consultancy team at my local hospital recently (I be been seen by colleagues rather than by my consultant who it said I’d see on my letter and who I have confidence in). Bottom line I have felt rushed and had no opportunity to talk - consent form was filled in for me and I was just told to sign.
On the other hand I’ve had a lot of good experiences from the midwives at the hospital, and always felt supported and never undermined/ that I was being rushed out the door - they listened.
I guess I am now considering a natural / vaginal birth if baby comes early - but am worried if I turn up at hospital and try for a vaginal birth and then change my mind that I won’t be able to get a c section at that point.
Does anyone know up until what point you can ask for a c section rather than letting labour progress? At what point are you “stuck in for the long haul” - I’m particularly worried about the baby getting stuck/ birth complications as baby was measuring on the big side - but not so big that the consultant said a C section was medically necessary.
does anyone know about this?
I don’t want to try for a vaginal birth and then end up with a traumatic delivery that I could have avoided if I just said yes to the emergency c section if I go into labour early. But equally I don’t want a consultant coming in midway through a vaginal birth and pulling baby out with instruments just to speed it up (which is the impression I get from my last few consultants appointments).
I feel it’s difficult to try to change to a midwife lead birth at this stage.
Anyone with any experience? Thanks.