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Baby’s movement anxiety

ZiggyandBC profile image
10 Replies


I’m hoping other people have had the same feeling or can offer any advice. Basically I’m 24 weeks and can feel baby boy moving/kicking etc. i feel him every day but there’s no set pattern or number or movements. I was told by my midwife to try and keep an eye on his pattern of movement when I get to the third trimester but I’m already worrying if I don’t feel him move for a while, is this normal? It anyone else has been anxious about it was there anything that helped? Thanks 😊

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ZiggyandBC profile image
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10 Replies

hey. My movements were really inconsistent till about 28 weeks and no pattern till maybe 30 or 31 and even then, it’s been a bit vague. What should reassure you is that the movement will get stronger and more often! Just try to make sure that you are feeling something every now and then and if you don’t feel anything for a while call your midwife team…for reassurance if nothing else. I found it really worrying because people online are spotting patterns and for me there really wasn’t one!

Purpledoggy profile image

I didn't really have a pattern, he just became very active a lot of the time but had a fair amount of variation between day and times. I used an app (Kicks Count) as it made it easier to appreciate the normal variation. It's very normal to worry when they don't move, especially as we have it drummed into us how important movement is, but it's also very important that you don't ignore it. This is why I found the app helpful as I could look back to see how much movement variation was normal, rather than an actual pattern. The maternity units are really appreciative if you call with worries as they would much rather reassure you about nothing worrisome than deal with the consequences of not getting help. xx

Stevie85 profile image

I never really felt a pattern as such until about 32 weeks, and then I noticed that she was getting more active at night. I found that lying still for a little bit used to get her moving, as did drinking water. When you are busy during the day you sometimes don't notice. Often all it takes it to just stop and concentrate on the movements. I totally understand the anxiety though. And if you are ever in doubt, ring your midwife or maternity triage. It's no hassle for them to check you and baby out and the reassurance is sometimes needed x

JoyfulStar profile image

Hi there, this brings back so many memories. Yes I suffered with some anxiety due to my baby girl being conceived just before my 44th birthday via IVF. I was nervous something would go wrong for most of my pregnancy. I also had a few scares early on with bleeding and so on.

What helped me was my faith but also practically keeping a record of kicks/ movements. At the beginning, there was no set pattern but then I noticed my daughter was more active overnight. Sometimes when I have been busy, lying down helped me to feel movement to allay my fears. Talking to my DH also helped because he was a voice of reason. I did have to go to hospital once because I did not feel movements at the usual time. All was fine. Just take each day anat a time and continue to monitor the movements. The visits to the midwife were reassuring but the bigger my little girl got, the easier she was to feel.

hey Ziggy, I remember really struggling to find a pattern. One day it was morning active then afternoon. It changed so frequently at some point I had a worry in the morning but everything was fine. Basically they hook you up and you press a button every time you feel something within an hour. If you’re worried, sit back in your chair and see if you feel any movement (even small) - often when you relax you feel it and the older they get the more they nod off and sleep and are still

Hi Ziggy, I did quite a bit of googling about this recently and the consensus I came to was that it wasn't until between 24 and 28 weeks that the movement would become more regular, and at the moment at 24 weeks he still has plenty of room to move around so you may miss movements so shouldn't worry. It seemed to be around 28 weeks that was when the pattern should become more consistent, so I wouldn't panic quite yet and just be reassured there is movement.

Also this is probs a bit obvious but everyone is so different and it depends where your placenta is too as that can mute things. I am a few weeks behind you but lying down and having a cold drink does nothing to get mine going, but she goes mental when I am driving in the car with music on, or when I am sitting at my desk!? Clearly my singing and typing is just too loud!

Good luck xx

I get stressed when I think about 'tracking' movements....

I had a kick counter in my 1st pregnancy and it drove me insane....

My daughter didn't kick so much due to the anterior placenta.

This baby in my current pregnancy seems to be moving a lot more - but when I am busy I cannot keep track.

I rang the midwives a few weeks ago and they said just relax have some food and lie still for a while and see if you notice the movements....

Hope you can get some relief from this and feel more and more movements to reassure you soon.


User20 profile image

Hi Ziggy,I know those movements are lovely to feel but they can certainly get your anxiety going and you can get quite obsessed.

I'm 34 weeks at the moment, I feel her regularly but still not entirely sure I have a 'pattern' - to me it still seems quite random, but as the weeks go by the movements are getting stronger and more frequent. In the beginning it seems the pattern was a few days of acrobatics, then a few days of rest.... 🤦🏼‍♀️

My piece of advice would be:

Try not to obsess over it but keep an eye on it. If you dont feel baby move for a while (e. G. If you are busy doing other stuff) it always helped me to have a bit of 'me and baby time' - laying down and having my hand on my belly helped me to concentrate on baby's movement and reassure me.

If you are worried at all please ring your maternity assessment unit. I had to ring them twice, both times they have been absolutely lovely and reassuring - sod's law as soon as I was in their waiting room baby decided to move like crazy. 🤷‍♀️ They would much rather see you once too often than not at all, just in case there is a problem.


Bozo_the_pumpkin profile image

I didn’t feel a pattern throughout the whole pregnancy. I went to the hospital trice a week in my third trimester to check on baby

MissSaoPaulo profile image

There we were thinking the anxiety would end after getting a BFP. Far from it!!When I was pregnant with my little girl she was really active (still is!!!) so I didn't worry too much about counting kicks or anything like that - just as well, that would have really stressed me out I think - but I did go to the maternity unit twice when she was quiet for a while. Of course she started belting the hell out of me as soon as we pulled up outside the hospital!! So you really will get a sense of what's normal for you, even if there's not a clear pattern as such. If you haven't registered movement for a while (maybe you're really busy at work and not paying attention for a while so you really can't remember if you've felt anything or not) take a quiet few minutes to focus on it. If nothing's happening after a while try a cold drink or something sweet. If it's been a while and you're feeling anxious get yourself to the hospital for a check - they won't be annoyed, you're not being a bother, that's literally what they're there for.

During my induction when she hadn't been active for a while they put basically a rape alarm next to my bump and set it off!! That certainly got a reaction 🤣🤣🤣

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