meds reduction anxiety: hello, I hope... - Fertility Network...

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meds reduction anxiety

Boo718 profile image
14 Replies

hello, I hope everyone is good.

I’m not usually a nervous person but we just got in our email about reducing meds in a few weeks and I am actually terrified. We start reducing week 10 so that it is finished week 12. I know that I have to trust my body but it’s taken us years to get here and my body can often be somewhat uncooperative 😢😬

On top of that moving from an amazing Spanish clinic to the cluster f**k (soz) that is the nhs is also the scariest thing ever. What if something happens on reducing meds i wish I could stay in spain with the doctor there, all my trust is in her.

How has everyone got on with these changes? There’s been so much ivf heartache I genuinely can’t cope with any more xxx

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Boo718 profile image
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14 Replies
sj482 profile image

I haven’t got any advice but I also am petrified of reducing my meds!! 😬

Boo718 profile image
Boo718 in reply to sj482

it’s terrifying. Especially after having such great communication with Spain. The communication here is going to be pants xxx

sj482 profile image
sj482 in reply to Boo718

my clinic were pretty relaxed and just said oh let us know if you want more drugs to you can taper!!

Did you have a fresh or frozen transfer?

Runninglady87 profile image

Hey sweet, I had a fresh transfer and stopped my progesterone cold turkey last Friday when I was 8 weeks. Things have been great for me since then, no bleeds or nasties and the best bit is no more messy pessaries. Of course you will be anxious to reduce but trust in your body and trust in your clinic. If you have any anxiety then speak with your clinic, they will help to put your mind at ease. ❤️❤️

Boo718 profile image
Boo718 in reply to Runninglady87

thank you. I don’t think I’d be so worried if I was still in Spain coz then I know I could run to the clinic to see them and get a prescription with ease. Just got to relax and have hope.

How are u keeping? Xxx

Runninglady87 profile image
Runninglady87 in reply to Boo718

Absolutely, as my clinic said. You have to try and get it into your mindset that you are a normal pregnancy now. It's so difficult to imagine coming off your meds but trust in your body. Your clinic wouldn't let you come off them if they didn't think it was a good idea. Try and not worry, enjoy your pregnancy as this time is so precious we often forget to just stop and enjoy it.I am really good thanks, I'm not working so really enjoying being at home relaxing and seeing family. I've booked a private scan for 10 weeks so à week this Friday. Can't wait! Xx

Savvy_teapot profile image

Are you talking about progesterone? My clinic stops at 8 weeks however I had lots left so they did say I could continue on one a day. But I just stopped anyway

Boo718 profile image
Boo718 in reply to Savvy_teapot

yeh it’s the progesterone that freaks me out the most 😬 xxx

Livinginhope101 profile image

Hi Boo.Like you, I was terrified of stopping progesterone. In my mind, it was the only thing that maintained my pregnancy.

However, the advice you've been given is good as the placenta takes over by this point. I stopped at 12 weeks during both my pregnancies and have had no issues. No bleeding, nothing.

It was scary, but it worked. I tapered mine off as it felt better for me to do it like that, but other women on here have done it cold turkey with the same results.

Its a scary prospect, but will be fine. 12 weeks is a good time to stop too, 8 weeks wouild have terrified me, but 13 is a safe bet.

Good luck.

You've got this xx

it’s so scary isn’t it? I was petrified but weaned at 12 weeks with no issues and know lots of people who were the same (or even went cold Turkey). Also did some Googling and never saw anyone online who had any issues. You will be glad to be rid of them once you’re weaned. Best of luck with it. X

ki50 profile image

I started weaning off mine at around 12 weeks, I've got 2 precious pessaries left (and one that I dropped so can't use :'( ). I'm petrified to fully stop them too but the docs seem quite relaxed about it so fingers crossed!!

Hi Boo, I had to reduce from 10 weeks too and I was super nervous. By the time I got to 12 weeks I still had some progesterone left (just cyclogest) and I was going to keep going but I decided to stop as they had told me to but keep the cyclogest just in case I did have any spotting or anything and I needed to start again. Whilst it was nerve wracking stopping it was weirdly reassuring to know I had something available if I needed it - a sort of safety net - still find it reassuring now 4 weeks later and the cyclogest is still in the drawer🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻 Good luck x

Georgya profile image

Hi! I was in the same situation a few months ago! terrified of stopping the injection at week 12. I went back home to Romania and ask for a second opinion about this and the gynaecologist there advised me to take Aspirin 100 mg. Obviously when I came back I talked to my midwife and she said it is fine to take it until 36 weeks. Last week I've had to stop that as well. All is good! Keep positive and everything will be fine! Anxiety has been a problem for me all pregnancy! Negative thoughts keep coming into my mind, I know it is hard. Every pregnancy is so precious especially when you've been trying for years!

Goodluck and I hope it goes well! xxx

helodie profile image

Here in France my clinic stopped my progesterone on OTD and I’ve had nothing since then. Apparently it’s normal here and whilst I’ve been reading all the English language forums going on until 12 weeks I haven’t noticed any ill effects yet. Best of luck, the anxiety around the variables for this process is quite the challenge.

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