Hi all, I’m just back from my 36 week scan and the doctor has offered me induction or a planned caesarean at 39 weeks. Of course, there is the option to do neither but considering my age and it’s the 7th attempt at IVF he wants to avoid the risks with going overdue. I know induction can lead to longer and more painful labour and a risk of needing assisted birth which worries me a bit and my main concern is getting this baby here safe!! But on the other side, a caesarean isn’t risk free and has a longer recovery time. Would welcome any thoughts…
Caesarean or induction : Hi all, I’m... - Fertility Network...
Caesarean or induction

Hello lovely,
I was given the same options by my consultant for the same reasons (I was also placenta previa but that changed anyway at week 36).
I opted for c-section because I wasn't bothered by going through labour, I would much rather have a safe delivery of my baba. I also have a few friends who were induced and all of them ended in emergency c-sections anyway.
My c-section was an amazing experience. I had a playlist that I'd made before hand, he was brought half-out then allowed to wriggle free a bit himself. They did delayed cord clamping and he was perfect.
In terms of recovery I had my stitch out after 5 days and after 7 days we went for a walk around the park. As long as you have support to start with (my husband would pass me the baby when he needed feeding etc) then they usually heal pretty well. Emergency c-sections seem to take longer to heal because they were already in labour and contracting.
It's a very personal choice but for me c-section was definitely the right one. I would choose it again if it came to it.
Thanks so much for sharing your experience. To be honest I’m swaying more towards caesarean. My priority is not putting this miracle baby at any risk and getting it here in safest way possible. I really appreciate your reply. Xx
Hey. It’s a difficult decision to make as there is no right or wrong one.
My induction actually ended in an emergency c-section, and so for my 2nd I opted for an elective c -section.
I’ve had friends that have struggled more with the aftermath of a natural birth (due to tears etc) than I did with both c-section recoveries. So I would definitely recommend a c-section for a safe way to introduce baby to the world - and it’s definitely a bonus that you can prepare for a fixed date in advance 🙂 xx
Also, my exhaustion was pretty bad with my first due to not sleeping throughout the induction process, so having the elective 2nd time round meant that I could have a rested night the night before (apart from the 100x wees in the night 😆) xx

Hello, thanks for your replies!! The 100 wees a night I definitely sympathise with!!
I really appreciate your perspective and I mentioned to my partner earlier than natural births come with their own recoveries too.
I am in a similar dilemma but leaning towards a c section.I wrote a post last week asking about experiences with c sections, maybe you will find it helpful too -
Good luck with whatever you decide! X
I was induced at 38 and 39 weeks with my two babies due to my age and both times was straight forward and I found it was controlled and I was monitored really well throughout. I could ask for pain relief in anticipation of pain rather than suffering and using it as a last resort. I would do the same again xx good luck xx hope all goes smoothly xx
I went for induction at 39 weeks with my little boy, but also had a sweep about 4 days before that. I ended with my waters breaking on their own a few hours before the induction balloon catheter was due to be fitted but as I still hadnt given birth 24 hours later I needed the induction drip to speed it along. I hadnt had any pain killers by this point so just asked for epidural (I was originally going to have epidural as a last resort lol) before the drip and then got the drip in at 8am and gave birth at 3pm unassisted and no complications and pretty pain free and very very calm. It was actually quite lovely and other half got to announce the gender and cut the cord in a non surgical setting. Recovery time was very quick and only a few stitches which healed quickly too. I’m going to try the same again this time around as consultant has said ‘we won’t let you go past due date, so I’m assuming when I get to the 32 and 36 week appointments I have (currently on 26 weeks) they will say the same as they’ve said to you! I just really didn’t want a caesarean personally for recovery time, no driving and the fact it’s a major operation etc but I knew it could be a possibility anyways. I know loads of people who have had good experiences with both casarean and induction though. So I guess it’s individual preference really 🥰 exiting times! You are nearly there!!! Xx
Thank you so much and so pleased to hear of your positive experience. It’s not an easy decision to make for sure. I’ve heard pros and cons of both and spoken to family members who’ve had both. In an ideal world it’ll come on naturally over the next couple weeks 🤞. All I want is my baby here safe and sound. Xx
hi I had the same options and went for a c-section. It is a very personal decision but for me I wasn’t bothered about the natural birth and didn’t like the idea of a prolonged labour. The consultant explained that as it was my first it may take a number of days for the induction process to work and I could end up needing an emergency c section anyway, so I thought if I’m going to have a section anyway I would prefer it was a planned one. Like others have said I had a really good experience with the c-section and didn’t regret my decision one bit. I was discharged following day and having short walks around our local park within the week. Xxx
I opted for induction at 39 weeks but I went spontaneously into labour at 38 weeks I'm doing the same this time. And as for assisted birth on my birth plan I did not consent for forceps or vacuum cup and if there will be any signs of struggle then to do the c-section.
I wish you safe delivery!
Thanks for your reply. Great to hear you naturally went in to labour at 38 weeks, I’d be very pleased if the same happens for me 😀. Did you do anything particular to encourage the labour? I wish you all the best too. Xx
I think my husband made a big contribution if you know what I mean 😂 and also I was trying this red raspberry leaf tea hack (NHS reccomend no to drink it before 32 weeks pregnant) and I was eating 5 dates with peanut butter a day -I don't remember if I started them at 35 or 36 weeks, not sure what helped or if it was just my body but there was no harm in trying it. Of course I consulted my midwife before I started using this I would say holistic methods.
All I can say is that at 38 weeks my waters broke by themselves and 30mins after I started having noticeable steady contractions and after an hour when they checked me at the triage I was 5cm dilated 😀 by the morning I had my son with me, I did have an epidural although I regret it because I feel that I could do it without it so maybe this time I will
Thanks so much!! I was thinking about starting raspberry leaf tea from this weekend when I’ll be 37 weeks. I can’t stand dates but desperate times call for desperate measures 🤣. Xx
I think you have a big decision to make, but you’ll know what’s the right thing for you and your baby, and getting the precious bundle here safely is obviously the priority. But equally, you need to think about your recovery time too and how much support you will have when they are here. There’s so many factors.
If I was to go through it all again, I would probably go for a C section, but I’m saying that as I went through a natural birth before and can now see it from a different perspective. I was due to be induced due to age, IVF, and gestational diabetes factors, at 40 weeks. My waters broke 4 days before that tho, but of course Labour didn’t happen by itself and I still ended up getting induced anyway. I think my experience probably went as predicted to be honest. I waited a long long time before actually going into active labour after having a pessary, and then oxytocin drip. Think I was admitted at 1130 on Tue and gave birth at 1230 the next day. The last thing I wanted (I actually said I would prefer a c section) was to have an assisted birth with an episiotomy, but that’s exactly what I had. At the end of the day, it didn’t actually matter when it came to it as I just wanted my baby here safely!! I had stitches of course, and a lot of pain and blood (and tears) in recovery, which took a fair few weeks. And 17 mths later, I’m still suffering with a pelvic prolapse and incontinence. So still recovering!! But I have this amazing little cheeky girl here, and that’s all that matters. I would do it all again in a heartbeat.
Wishing you all the best with what you decide x x
Gosh I’m sorry to hear of your experience but congrats on your lovely little girl. I’ve opted for an elective caesarean and am going in tomorrow to sign the consent papers. Xx
Awww I think if I knew all of this beforehand, I probably would’ve opted for a C section too. I honestly don’t think they even asked me if that would be something I’d consider to be fair. I know this comes with its own substantial recovery and challenges too tho.
I was quite blasé about it all, and people have said that it was a traumatic labour when I’ve told them. Sounds bizarre but I never really thought that. They could’ve done anything to me to get that little girl out, I would’ve signed anything!!
Ahhh all the best to you. Enjoy your last few weeks of quiet before the chaos ensues (albeit lovely chaos). And enjoy that lovely little new born baby bubble that you’ll be in very soon - it’s wonderful! ❤️ x
I haven’t been on here in a while but had to come and comment on this
Obviously it’s a very personal decision and I was in a very similar situation. In the end my waters broke early and I ended up being induced and baby arrived by emergency c section anyway, nearly 3 days later. By this time I was exhausted from the induction process. In hindsight I wish I had chosen the C section as I would have been fresh when she arrived and wouldn’t have gone through that awful induction process which was quite traumatic.
I’ve only ever heard good stories about elective c sections
My recovery from the C section was pretty straightforward no issues. I did have issues afterwards down there because of the fact that I had become fully dilated from the induction but no issues with my cut. I was up and about (you must take your painkillers on time!) fairly quickly and there have been no issues, and I’m 6m in. X good luck!
Thanks for sharing your experience. I’ve decided on elective caesarean and have let the hospital know. I feel that I’ve made the right choice for me and the baby. Xx
Hi! I had an induction followed in an emergency c section. If I could go back in time, I would definitely opt for a planned c section. Induction is very hard on the body and given the state of the NHS, it is a matter of luck when and whether you will get the necessary pain killers. I didn't get any at all. The C section was plain sailing, as was the recovery. Very best of luck with whatever you decide!
everyone I know of who was induced before due date ended up needing an emergency c section anyway. I was high risk and they even said to me you can try induction but it will likely result in c section anyway as they don’t want to take chances with age etc.
So I would say either wait for natural labour or for the option which feels more in control and safer then go for c section.
I was so wary of having c section, and mine even ended up needing an emergency team coming in and me losing a lot of blood too- but it was not in any way traumatic and I felt fine throughout. My recovery was not terrible either, I just rested a lot.
Hope that helps! 🥰
I was induced at 40 weeks, my daughter was not really having any of it, and it ended up going to emergency section, and I had to have a general anaesthetic. My physical recovery was pretty good and I was going for walks, slowly after about 5 days, but it's different for everyone. I'm 18 weeks pregnant and I'm 95% sure I want elective C-section for more certainty than last time as it was a bit traumatic, plus was in 2020 which added to the drama somewhat!
Hi, I was induced at 41+2 , obviously for baby showing ni signs of coming. It was also transfer number 7 for me and gave birth at 42.
Everything went smoothly.
I gave birth in Belgium and they don't do elective c sections there, only if necessary.
Hi, I had a failed induction with my eldest, thankfully it was only the balloon didn't come out so I wasn't in any pain but I was tired after 48 hours of being awake and when they offered to restart it all again I refused so I was offered an ELCS for 2 days later. I was 39 and and I'd had 8 years infertility so I didn't care how she got here as long as she was OK.
My ELCS went like a dream and recovery was pretty much pain-free and quick! I was surprised because I was no spring chicken with a BMI of 31.
Two years later in Feb this year I had another ELCS. I opted for it over a VBAC because I'd had such a good experience first time round and I hoped I wasn't a fluke. It wasn't, this time it was even easier. I had to stop myself doing things like housework in the first week after because I felt so well. Not everyone has a long difficult recovery, i just I'd give you my experience because I expected to be in a lot of pain and honestly I was better off than my sister was after her straightforward vaginal birth.
My whole experience with both my sections was great from beginning to end. So my advise would be to go for the section because with an induction there is a much higher chance of it ending in Emcs.
Good luck and congratulations!
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply and sharing your experience. I’m glad to hear you recovery went well both times. I have informed the hospital that I would like to go for a planned caesarean. I’m on the waiting list so just waiting for a call with a date. They said it’d be between 39-40 weeks. Xx
Good luck! Come back and update us how everything went. You'll be grand. I was anxious even the second time around but it was a beautiful experience both times. I'd do it all again tomorrow just to enjoy those first few weeks of newborn bliss where you're so in love and mesmerised by this little person you created. ❤️ It won't be long till your baby is in your arms. X